Some Nov initial comments

Scott Adams longshot at JAX.FIDONET.ORG
Tue Nov 25 08:47:16 CET 1997

 -=> Quoting "Choinski, Burt"  to longshot <=-

 "B> "Perl" is available in most, if not all, UNIX systems.  Simply make
 "B> the script executable and invoke it like you would any other
 "B> executable. -- Burton

        I see.  Well I don't have unix at hand (maybe on a programmer
        /contract job) but not here.  Oh well.  Thanks for the info.

... "So what do we do now?" - Garibaldi
--- Blue Wave v2.12

|Fidonet:  Scott Adams 1:112/91 at fidonet
|Internet: longshot at
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