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Scott Cohan
scott.cohan at SSA.GOV
Wed Apr 15 15:50:06 CEST 1998
I noticed that some other people are using the Central Casting: Heroes of
Legend for characters in P&P, and I have some info for them:
CC:HoL has you roll for starting culture based on Cultural type. I have rated
all of the cultures in the Culture book according to their criteria (see
below) and have come up with the following list:
A'ha'kacili Nomadic
A'Korchu Dynamic Civ
The Aratad Confederacy Developing
Assiran Barbaric
Bal'sani Primitive
Ba'rual Stagnant
Bhamotin Developing
Caldo Stagnant
Empire of the Ced Regressive
Cerulean Empire Stagnant
Chiros Decadent
Choshai Stagnant
Chunrey Decadent
Clima Developing
Confederation of Shanda Barbaric
Dawana Stagnant
Dechat Stagnant
Dirllar Stagnant
Djakschill Primitive
Djanesborg Developing
Donara Regressive
The Fierazi Tribes Primitive
Aredan Stagnant
Ashudan Stagnant
Atler Stagnant
Kingdom of the East Regressive
Fomoria Stagnant
Kingdom of the Islands Stagnant
Musira Stagnant
Port Doman Regressive
Shestar Stagnant
Vahear Decadent
Xan Decadent
Ghazi Primitive
Ghiamem Primitive
Goidan Developing
Gom Decadent
Helva Nomadic
Humagi Nomadic
Ipanza Primitive
Iravoy Stagnant
Izza Barbaric
Ja'xon Decadent
Kakana Primitive
Kalem Primitive
Kameran Barbaric
Katai Dynamic
Kazi Primitive
Kirazan Developing
Kll'maun Primitive
Kolari Barbaric
Lemasa Decadent
L'p'nth Decadent
Ma'helas Developing
Marentia Developing
Mopazi Primitive
Nerid Stagnant
No'mal Stagnant
Novarask Decadent
Nylasa Barbaric
Omavor Primitive
Regis Baya Stagnant
Rhuselka Primitive/Barbaric
Rizeela Barbaric
Ro'babza Developing
Robari Primitive
Rogizini Empire Decadent
Sarghut Nomadic
Shiben Stagnant
Shurikal Stagnant
Taolisa Stagnant
Teos Stagnant
Thaliba Regressive
Porta Decadent
Thaliban Tribes Primitive
Ticasi Stagnant
Timbaza Primitive
Treaus Stagnant
Valheim Stagnant
Vassa Barbaric
Zarun Developing
Zen'da Nomadic
The categories are:
Primitive illiterate, distrustful, no perm settlements, hunting & gathering
Nomadic riding, seasonal
Barbaric solid economy w/ division of labor
Degenerate Civ living in the ruins of their former greatness
Regressive Civ Stagnant, losing ground, dictatorial
Developing Civ making great strides to improve itself, pioneering spirit
Dynamic Civ rapid growth, development, expansion, self-centered
Stagnant Civ No gains in recent memory
Decadent Civ Past Peak, decay, people hedonistic and jaded
I am more than willing to discuss entries that you think should be changed.
Also, I changed table 862c: Unique Talents to a d10. If you roll 7-10, then
you roll on the Special Attribute Table. Also, I have replaced 864 with the
Special Attribute Table.
In addition, I changed the Body Location table, based on the Medical Rule of
9s (Comes from a way of estimating Body percentages covered with burns).
01-09 Head
10-18 Chest
19-27 R. Arm
28-36 L. Arm
37-45 Abdomen
46-54 Upper Back
55-63 Lower Back
64-72 R Leg, Front
73-81 L Leg, Front
82-90 R Leg, Back
91-99 L Leg, Back
00 Genitals
I have then broken this up as follows:
01 - R Neck
02 - L Neck
03 - R Face
04 - L Face
05 - R Ear
06 - L Ear
07 - Forehead
08 - Crown of Head
09 - Back of Head
Front Back
R Arms L R L R L
19 Hand (Back) 28 | 64 73 Foot 82 91
20 Hand (Palm) 29 | 65 74 Ankle 83 92
21 Forearm (F) 30 | 66 75 L Shin 84 93
22 Forearm (B) 31 | 67 76 U Shin 85 94
23 Elbow 32 | 68 77 Knee 86 95
24 Upper Arm (F) 33 | 69 78 L Calf 87 96
25 Upper Arm (B) 34 | 70 79 U Calf 88 97
26 Shoulder (F) 35 | 71 80 L hip/buttocks89 98
27 Shoulder (B) 36 | 72 81 U Hip/buttocks90 99
And the Chest, Abdomen, Upper and Lower Back can be simply divided into a 3x3
Chest: 10|11|12
other smaller changes:
105c 3=Lawful, 15=Chaotic, 16=Upper/Lower World, 17=Elder Temple
106b 39-40 - Born at midnight
41-42 - Born at Dawn or Dusk = Shadow Weaver
43-44 - Born at Noon
750a 1-2 Wizard
3-6 Warrior
7-8 Priest/Shaman
9 Unusual M-U (Rune-Master, Magician, etc)
10 Other
Hope you all enjoy!
Rev. Scott Cohan
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