Question about Dodging and stuff...

Paul L. Ming pming at KLONDIKE.COM
Tue Oct 20 05:35:55 CEST 1998

>Being from Mathijs's group, I was wondering about these supernatural
>languages. We interpret them as being rather powerful. If, for example, you
>have EL5 in a spell, then the language allows you to cast it at EL6, and it
>reduces the casting cost. Question is, to what casting cost should the
>reduction formula be applied? We interpret that as the casting cost for
>yielding a very low cost for an EL6 effect. Not meaning to make my own
>magic-user less powerful, how do other groups interpret this rule?
>Matijs (not Mathijs).


    Thats how I interpret it.  Works like a charm, really. (no pun


Denakhan the Arch-Mage.

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