Something interesting :)

Paul L. Ming pming at YT.SYMPATICO.CA
Sat Apr 17 22:33:42 CEST 1999


    First,  WOW!  An *actual P&P email*!  ;-P

    Second, I remember reading this w-a-a-a-y back when it first came out.
That Rick Swan *COMPLETELY* missed the point of P&P; what's worse is he
seems like a lot of the high-end 3D animation program "reviewers"...that
being that he probably took P&P, opened it up, skimmed through it, and
started to make a guy.  After 3 to 4 hours he wasn't finished so he figured
it was "too complex" because he wasn't a master of the system by then.  3D
Prog reviews tend to do the same thing; if the package doesn't cost at least
$1500 then they don't really bother learning it, and just assume it sucks.

    Poor Mr. Swan.  He doesn't know what a great game he is missing!


Denakhan the Arch-Mage.

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