New stuff to proggie

Scott Adams faq at TELEGARD.NET
Tue Apr 20 06:32:17 CEST 1999

   Ok.  Worked on the PNP Char Generator ...

   Sending the latest version to Wout tonight for the web page.
   It will still be named (no ver in th efile name)
   to save him trouble).

   Its up to version 1.07.16

   For details see for each change but in a nutshell:

   o Fixed alot of small bugs and typos
   o Added some new things minor wise to the program
   o Addev view, delete, print options to the program
   o Added ability to view special events in program and bonsu table
   o etc..etc.. see in the archive.
     (BTW Wout could be used a page if needed :))

   Everything seems a-ok so far.  Biggest problem I see is the printing.
   I now compile under win98 rather than win3.1/dos.  In that time
   printing code was simple and easy and it worked.  Now for some reason
   due to the way win98 spools its printer junk and such its a mess.
   I will have to develop more code for my game and such to handle it.
   But in a nutshell it may print for you and your printer might go
   offline (blink) not sure why this is occuring.  But it works.
   See the docs and for further detail and comments.  I gave
   up for now on perfecting the code.  :)

   Now to work on the PBEM game and get some characters done so we can
   start... :)

email me if you wish to get a copy or wait till its on the web site by wout :)

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