
Paul L. Ming pming at YT.SYMPATICO.CA
Tue Jun 8 22:07:18 CEST 1999


> I am wondering if anyone out there may have ideas or samples for special
> abilities of the gods of Perils & Perils, like AD&D does.  I have
> recently aquiored the complete collection of Powers & perils materials.
> John

    I am guessing that you are new to this list.  Let me tell you right off:
*This list tends to be slow*.  ;-)  So if you don't get a reply in two days,
don't panic.  You may still get one on the third...or fourth..or...

    I don't have any "specific" details, but I am currently touching up my
own "AD&D to P&P" conversion rules.  This will have gods who give there
followers special abilities and hinderances.  It's still got a ways to go,
but it is coming along nicely so far (even if I just recently deleted my
entier 'AD&D2P&P Monster Converter' program by mistake!)  :-(


Denakhan the Arch-Mage

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