Status of PBEM

Scott Adams longshot at DARKTECH.ORG
Mon May 24 08:33:45 CEST 1999

Status of the game

Well I have about 16-18 players it seems.  Only a small fraction have
complete characters.  All have sent in complete application but David
Jackson (if your still on the list email me or read your email sendt it to
ya weeks ago :)).

I have a mailing list ready and will be testing it this week....

I will sign up all players to the list automatically later in the week if
you do NOT want the list please say so but its easier to do the gae with a
list rather than a bunch of CCed email :)

There is unfournately no web based archives though there is a digest
function (web based like this list on pnp site).

More details will follow...maybe if I push we can start on 6/1 but looks
slim righ tnow with the outstanding characters needed :)

Will email each person later in the week...

Longshot - ZC of AdventureNEt

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