*sighs* Ok, time to weigh in

Scott Adams longshot at DARKTECH.ORG
Wed Sep 6 03:22:50 CEST 2000

At 08:52 PM 9/5/00 +0000, you wrote:
>> And once a character's Eloquence of 3 with multiplier of 1.5 maxes out at 5
>> no further improvement need be considered, eh? Well maybe. I'd like to
>> that he mught be able to work up to a higher plateau. But again, its
just an
>> option for those that want it.
>But it removes someof the RP fun as well. Cholan has a native Empathy of
>_1_...his multiplier of x2 gives him a max of 2.  Granted, even a x5
>douesn't help much...he's still an antisocial bastard, but say he had a 5
>native, max at 10.  That means that, with much dedicatio, he could be almost
>tolerable.  Allowing oneto increase multiplers means he could be worked up
>to x5, giving him better than the average joe.  But since I made the
>"choice" to limit myself to x2 early on, I should not benifit later on when
>everything else is maxed (and I have benefited by moving x2 worth of
>multiplier elsewhare for all this time) and I then spend points on this.
>   -- Burton

Heh...yeah that's where the line between RPing and Dice Rolling is.  A stat is
all fine and
dandy like the above but its how you role play it that really counts.
Course a
stat like
that rather limits you to things you can do within realism.  Will we expect
Cholan to
help our in a Healer's hut during a period of plaque?  Doubtful.  :)

Longshot - ZC of AdventureNet International Echomail Network
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