Prototype Construction rules

Robert Hanson rhanson at BLAST.NET
Fri Sep 29 06:13:36 CEST 2000

Hi, long time listener, first time poster (I think).  I haven't played P&P
for about 10 years, but I like to read the posts on the odd chance that I
ever get to play what I consider the best RPG again.

This cost chart brings up a wierd question.  As a player, are these costs
considered expensive?  ...Or as a GM, are these costs expensive for your

I'm just wondering how many people play in a campaign where adventure is the
reward, and not nessecarily income.  If I recall correctly, when I played,
we were not considered rich... maybe well know in some places, and in one
case a player became a Donaran general, where he enjoyed his stature, but
never gained much wealth.

I know that in the past I have read a thread about players being maxed out
on abilities... and frankly, in the campaign I was in, I can't even imagine
that.  We were only mere mortals no matter how big our egos were.

Anyway, just curious.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Burton Choinski" <burton.choinski at>
Subject: Prototype Construction rules

> Bearer:       1SC/month
> Thatcher:     15CC/month
> Quarryman:    15CC/month
> Lumberjack:   2SC/month
> Brickmaker:   25CC/month
> Carpenter:    4SC/month
> Mason:        5SC/month
> Architect:    2GC/month
Date:         Fri, 29 Sep 2000 21:38:49 -0400
Reply-To:     Powers and Perils Fantasy Roleplaying Game Mailing List
Sender:       Powers and Perils Fantasy Roleplaying Game Mailing List
From:         Scott Adams <longshot at DARKTECH.ORG>
Subject:      Re: In-Progress map of Marentian and then some.
In-Reply-To:  <000b01c028da$c5354c80$82617118 at cr701961a>
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At 12:29 AM 9/28/00 +0100, you wrote:
>?Ahh..tried it with the end added but still didn't come up guess I'll try
>time he views it
>maybe it'll be a shorter URL :)
>=A0=A0=A0 Wierd.=A0 Ok, I'll guess I'll put it up on a 'shorter' URL. :-)=
=A0 I'm right
>at the end of "crunch time" here at CDIS, and have a TONNE of stuff to have
>done by Friday and Monday.=A0 Maybe on the weekend, when my brain is about=
>explode from all the 3D stuff I'm doing I'll take a break by doing some=
>2D stuff (re; mapping of PL).
> For now, you can try and go through another link to see the 'big picture'.
>=A0=A0=A0 Here, try this and click on "PL Marentia & Environs", at the=
 bottem of
>the page....
>=A0=A0=A0 Try that and it should take you to the page.

It didn't work.  Just kidding..  Its a great image.  I was able to save it=
to jpeg for zooming and such :)

Keep us posted of a final edition :)

Longshot - ZC of AdventureNet International Echomail Network
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