Extended Ranged Weapon table

Choinski, Burton Burton.Choinski at MATRIXONE.COM
Tue Jun 19 20:17:09 CEST 2001

Submitted to Wout.  It is an excel table that calculates the "between"
values for all weapons at all ranges.  A control variable is present to
modify the actual bonuses (set to 1.0 for the standard table values).

At a setting of 0.7 I feel the table works good as an additive to the
shooter's OCV, subtracting target DCV.  Please feel free to try it and
experiment with settings and see what you think.
          -- Burton

Burton Choinski
Principle Software Engineer, Quality Engineering
email: burton.choinski at matrixone.com

phone: 978-322-2135
fax  : 978-452-5764

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Chelmsford, Ma 01824

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