Sound sphere?

Scott Adams longshot at DARKTECH.ORG
Wed Jun 19 04:29:49 CEST 2002

At 10:04 AM 6/18/02 -0800, you wrote:
>Perhaps the Music spell?

I took a look but nope.  I guess you could use the invisibility sphere spell
just use it as sound.  So that the sphere created would be sound INSIDE but
outside you couldn't hear.  Like if you want to break into a lock you could
put a sound sphere around it and hack while guards are only feet away.

>>Subject: Sound sphere?
>> Dang it...I know I have this spell...somewhere but can't find it now.
>> Just invisibility sphere..hmmm...anyone know where the lost and
>> found is for pnp spells?
>> Longshot - ZC of AdventureNet International Echomail Network
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