A Possible Combat Option

Albert Sales drite_mi at YAHOO.COM
Sun Oct 19 03:43:13 CEST 2003

I think it is awesome. Another thing that I do is to allow people to split ELs between offense and defense. The current rules say it is all one way or the other (Defensive, CAUTIOUS, offensive, AGGRESSIVE would be the fighting levels).
   Oh, one thing that struck me before... dunno why I never mentioned it... : Under existing rules, a skilled warrior can go through weapons like toilet paper... A house-rule that I use is to allow the weilder to add up dice, SB, and WSB damage first. They reduce this amount by the EL factor to test fatigue, but still add to damage after fatigue and break checks.

Sylverrs_ dragon <abnaric at HOTMAIL.COM> wrote:
A thought came to me a few nights ago. Figured I would bounce it off the
group. The combat rules allow a person to use his EL offensively or
defensively. The logic of both is obvious. Offensive use means he uses his
skill to maximize his chance of striking his opponent somewhere. While
preferably somewhere deadly, somewhere is what counts. Defensive use is
seeking to minimize the chance of being hit and, hopefully, eliminating the
chance of being sorely wounded by a blow.
My thought was to add a third option. I call it fighting aggressively
for lack of a better term. In this mode, the individual is pressing the
attack intent on maximum mayhem. The effect of this would be as follows:
1) One half of his EL rounded down will be used as his combat subtractor. If
he is EL 12, he may subtract 6 instead of 12.
2) His EL divided by 4, rounded down, is ADDED to his SB for all hit
resolution, normal, shield, severe and deadly. If the EL 12 person above had
a SB of +2, while fighting aggressively it is effectively +5.
3) Where fatigue rules are being used (which I must greatly improve upon)
the cost to fight aggressively would be DOUBLE the cost to fight offensively
or defensively.

What do you think??

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