[PnP] Wizards of the Coast

Wout Broere broere at powersandperils.org
Fri Jul 23 00:10:39 CEST 2004

At 09:49 PM 7/22/2004, you wrote:
>     Hell, if Richard puts out a new game that is, in effect, if not
>     actually labeled as such (for legal reasons), a second edition of
>     P&P, I'll put up an entire website for it. I've got a couple of
>     domains I'm no longer using for their original intent, and could
>     easily set up a new website devoted to the game, just as Woute has
>     for 1st ed. P&P. I've got unlimited space, so could host various
>     world settings that enthusiasts create for it, too.


It may well be considered throwing away good money, but how low could 
Hasbro be persuaded to go (haggled) to sell the rights to p&p, if they made 
an opening bid of 5k$? A few of us, me included, seem to be willing to 
pitch in (throw away good money) to buy the name and rights of p&p from Hasbro.

I still think the basis of P&p is good enough to warrant a rebirth, and 
some of us seem fanatical enough to make that happen. I would suggest to 
share the cost, and if that doesn't work out we can always decide on 
alternative solutions. Larry seems to know who to talk to at Hasbro. I 
don't mind spending some money on this without the prospect of a return. 
What the heck, I have spend more on other hobbies of mine over the years.

Second issue: website. I would be just as willing to host a site for p&p 
v2, however it is named, as there is almost unlimited website space on the 
machine that hosts the p&p v1 site. What often (almost always) fails me is 
the time to maintain the site properly, so I'll probably let Larry handle 
the p&p v2 site, just because of the workload involved, or we need to work 
something out whereby everybody pitches in time and effort wise.

Third issue: Name. The fact is that the x&x alliteration naming scheme is 
dated on one hand, but extremely gripping on the other hand. d&d p&p s&s. 
We named our local (14 copies per issue) game magazine 'Monsters, Masters & 
Magicians', even more alliteration. This simple but effective naming scheme 
captures the sword & sorcery, Conan the Librarian, type of game that p&p is 
for me (talk about different perceptions of exactly the same game mechanics 
and setting) the best. Unfortunately, I am to tired now to come up with 
something equally gripping. Let it stew, an idea will come up in time.

Fourth issue: perception of the game. I take the middle road. I see no need 
to use Perilous Lands with p&p, it can do perfectly without and be used 
with any other setting. Heck, we played in the Forgotten Realms for years 
(no flames please) using p&p game mechanics. Now I have a game set in PL, 
but loosely only, making the wilderness even wilder than intended. It is 
easy and inspiring to have a game world, something to fall back on in 
lapses of creativity, but if need be I could do without. I like PL for its 
detail and the way everything is connected and the many loose ends that are 
in the descriptions.

Bottom line: p&p can be used without a background setting, but PL is 
extremely nice and detailed to have around.

Enough rambling for a late night,

Wout Broere		broere at powersandperils.org
P&P Website:		http://www.powersandperils.org/ 

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