[PnP] Character Sheet

Scott Adams longshot at darktech.org
Sun Mar 28 06:16:38 CEST 2004

At 07:44 PM 3/27/04 +0100, you wrote:
>At 11:13 PM 3/25/2004, you wrote:
>>At 08:27 AM 3/25/04 -0500, you wrote:
>> >YOU
>>Yep.  Think theres already one on the website.  I could do that here but I
>>prefer ascii/text.  Can take it anywhere without worrying i excel exists or
>>not :)
>I made one a couple of years ago when I had a small handheld computer 
>running an early version of Windows CE. The machine had Excel Light, so I 
>had to use a limited set of excel functions to get it working. It is still 
>on the p&p site, in the tools section, although I don't use it at the 
>moment. It also contains a hardly documented and still experimental 
>character generator.
>It gave the ease of having an always updated character sheet and as long as 
>I carried the machine in my pocket, there was no need to worry if excel was 
>installed somewhere. The same thing should probably run on the larger palms 
>too, nowadays. These seem to have an excel light like program (and have the 
>added bonus of giving you colourfull screens in exchange for zero battery 

Yeah.  I ought to set something up in Excel or just use yours or the other
one I think I saw on the site or somewhere else.  Would make math eaiser
but I guess
I'm an old traditionalist when it comes to computers and pure text.  Weird
that way :)  I was in a drug store today though that had a nice touch
screen (not those touch screens from the early '90s era) but modern ones.
Man I was drolling how fast and simple they were.  I daydreamed about a
touch screen pnp toolbox :)..but alas I guess not many here have touch
screens eh? :)

Longshot - ZC of AdventureNet International Echomail Network
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