[PnP] Balance is not just a way of life...its monsters

Sylverrs_ dragon abnaric at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 18 02:42:29 CET 2004

Surge is one of a kind. Shows what a devil of that type can become with a 
couple millennia of profitable service.
As to the Shadow questions, all have a PR of NA. Poisons do not affect them 
even those who are able to take a human appearing form. You will find two 
that have HC NA and HC with a number. Change HC NA to PR NA and keep the 
Would love having you give me heads up on errors you catch. One thing I 
never have been is my own best editor.


P.S - Will be sending the redone spells to Wout in a week or so. Want a 

>From: Scott Adams <longshot at darktech.org>
>Reply-To: The Powers and Perils Mailing List <pnp at abroere.xs4all.nl>
>To: The Powers and Perils Mailing List <pnp at abroere.xs4all.nl>
>Subject: RE: [PnP] Balance is not just a way of life...its monsters
>Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 16:51:57 -0500
>pnp mailing list
>pnp at abroere.xs4all.nl

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