[PnP] Sidh Creatures

Scott Adams longshot at darktech.org
Mon Nov 22 05:53:47 CET 2004

  Ok.  Finished Sidh Creatures..

  Sidh File - Are all Creatures Alignment Elder?

  Afanc OCV 6-5 DCV 4(10)-5(11) NF 1D6-1D3* Enl - 25-54 DTV -3 to -2
     MDV 5-6 HC NA-22 Special-Appened/Edit.  Added Note.

  Alfar AHP 15-17 OCV 3-5 S15-18 St 10-16 D34-40  A48-50
    Enl !0-120 MDV 4-6 INT 8-7 HC 13-25
    Apperaance - Edit  Special - Edit/Modified  Note-Edited
    Richard: Original Alfar has - OCV/DCV * MDV/CDF ** ENL ***
      With notes accordinaly but your new Alfar has no *s yet
      has the notes.  What gives here?  Need me to elaborate?

   Added A'mora
     Added Morrigan's Steed
       Richard: Morrigan's Steed - HC 224? :)  Is this more a Kotothi
         aligned creature than Elder? The Steed.

   Added Anwora

   Cu Sith AHP 18-19 NWI -1 to -2  S 27-28 St 28-30  Enl 10-43 DTV -3 to -2
     SS Changed Carnivore to Omnivore  MDV 6-8  Special-Minor Edit
     Richard: Another monster losing taste for blood? :)  Too much
       chlosterol and so needs more veggies? :)

   Elf AHP 7-10 NWI +3-+2 S8-10 Enl 20-56 DTV -2 to -1 Int 7-6
     NC 10-D100 to 3D10+2 (Castle to Hill)
     Appearance - Height 5-6 ty 4-6?  Minor Edit
     Special-Moderate Edits/Appended info
     Added Elf Magician
     Arrows +2 to +1 WSB reduction?

  Faerry AHP 5-7 S4-5 Enl 30-51 CDF 1-3 MDV 8-9 INT 7-6 HC 15-10
    Appened to NF * Note.  Speical-Edit
    Added Faerry King/Queen
    Richard: Neutral mgic? :)  Hrm..guess I'll find out soon.

  added Fata Shee (Warrior)  
    Added Fata Shee (Magician)     
    Richard: Fata Warrior - PR is Blank?  Magician CDF IS EL so it
      can range from 5-10?

  Fay Horses M - AHP 22-24 Enl 18-61 DTV -3 to -4 HC 42-36
             F - AHP 18-19 Enl 24-46 DTV -2 to -3 HC 33-30 CL 1 to NA
     Apperance - Minor Edit
     Special - Edit
     Richard: Female CL NA?  Yet * mentions they are summonable?
       Can they be summoned anymore? Used to be CL 1

  Added Gwydi
    Richard: Do they require material (skin, etc.) for shape changing?

  Added Hob
    Richard: Could you clarify the appearance? :)

  Added Larshee
    Richrd: Is this in some way related to Banshees? Which I expect
      now to see in the Chaos file? :) J/k

  Peist Enl 34-121 DTV -2 to -6
    SS Changed from Herbivore to Carnivore
    Removed (CDF) * The ()d value applies for males, the other for females
    Special-Minor Edit
    Richard: Ugh they are now meat eaters?  I'm glad I didn't know that
      a few months back in an encounter :)  Did you mean to remove the
      CDF * note?

  Searbhani DCV 3-4 St 80-76 D9-16 A12-14 MR 13-14 Enl 51-133 DTV -5 to -9
    INT 6-7  HC 100-80 Speical-Edit
    Note - Edited Club WSB +2 to +3

  Sidh Boar Enl 12-28 DTV -1 to -2  HC 26-16
     SS Nocturnal to Dirunal Herbivore
     Special - Minor Edit. Boar Meat changed 1 to 2 Silver value..

  Added Whispers
    Added Whisper King

  I gotta clarify Alfar and Cait Sith things with Richard (email

Elder file next...

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