[PnP] Permanent Magic 'Always On' items

Albert Sales drite_mi at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 21 20:44:12 CET 2005

Some interesting approaches in there, and a good question. I usually just ran with a cost x10 factor, but I now realize that I pulled that from elsewhere. It would be easier than making it powerful enough for 24-hour use, but would cost more. A spell's base duration should be a factor. Nice question, I'm curious, too.

Alex Koponen <akoponen at mosquitonet.com> wrote:How does one determine whether a permanent magic item is 'Always
On' as opposed to the usual ensorcelment that casts the spell (EL+1)/3
times per day. This applies to things like Speed, Luck, Dark Vision,
Clairvoyance, Invisibility, etc.

 Since having the spell
permanently 'ON' is more powerful, presumably it will be harder to make
such an item.

Perhaps an Enchantment would follow, increasing the 'Attribute' of
the spell's duration? Maybe even reensorcelling, recasting the spell and
reenchanting the item enough to where the duration is sufficient for 24
hours per day?
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