[PnP] Herbalists and Miners

Choinski, Burton Burton.Choinski at matrixone.com
Fri Feb 23 16:58:46 CET 2007

Cool.  I'll render up suitable thumbnails for the web pages as well then, will see about sending them out tonight.

Oh, could you enable my home account (bchoinski at comcast.net) for the mailing list?  I'm changing jobs in two weeks and this address will be dead then.

Burton Choinski | Principal Software Engineer | ENOVIA MatrixOne
210 Littleton Road | Westford, MA  01886
Office: 978 589 4089 | Fax: 978 589 5903 | Cell: 508 843 7183
burton.choinski at matrixone.com
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-----Original Message-----
From: pnp-bounces at abroere.xs4all.nl [mailto:pnp-bounces at abroere.xs4all.nl] On Behalf Of Wout Broere
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 10:48 AM
To: The Powers and Perils Mailing List
Subject: RE: [PnP] Herbalists and Miners

My email should handle 11MB at a time fine, so I (and I guess all of 
us) will eagerly await the maps.

Wout Broere		broere at powersandperils.org
P&P Website:		http://www.powersandperils.org/ 

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