[PnP] Weight Challenged...

Scott Adams longshot at darktech.org
Mon Sep 3 04:04:43 CEST 2007

Like the US it seems folks are getting Big Boned in the pnp universe.  You have the Brick 300 pounds easily fighter.  The pleasantly plump Wizard at 250.  The Half-Human Half Dragon at 900 pounds..oh wait..well...he claims to be pure dragon....

My point is regular mounts War or Riding doesn't help these weight challenged folks.  What do Giants ride? 

Has anyone looked into doing clydsdale type horses or 
create mounts for this certain class of folks?

I've not studied the animals in v2 in awhile and I guess I'll have to figure out a portage formula.  I assume the simple formla will do but when you apply to horses it doesn't seem to match.  

Warhorse IV.  250(60)
S 27 St +1   
obviously animals use a different system :)

Anyone ever work on this situation for mounts and portage?

Maybe giants can ride wolly mammoths?

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