[PnP] Adventurer's Wanted

Scott Adams longshot at darktech.org
Wed Feb 11 07:14:25 CET 2009

     This is the only post I'll do on this.  So not to clog the mailing
     list.  Advneture #4 of my pbem game will be ending likely next
     week.  Adventure #5 will start soon.  June will mark TEN years
     doing this pbem and time flies.  That should show I'm not a fly
     by night GM :) (more a hard to get rid of GM).  So I welcome any
     new players who are interested or as always lurkers to see the
     game in action.

     Here are some stats:

                   Files   # of    # of                 Party 
                   /Text   Files  Updates      Time      Size     
   Adventure #1 - 4.2megs   574     324    6/99 - 1/05    14
   Adventure #2 - 5.4megs   555     137    3/05 -11/06    13
   Adventure #3 - 3.4megs   358      87   12/06 -10/07    11
   Adventure #4 - 6.5megs   637     111+  11/07 -03/09     9

        The current game had alot of files due to maps.  Each "update"
        is the game posting of actions done by me.  The tiem shows
        the range of dates for each adventure.  While it looks like
        some time is required there are reasons.  The first game took
        so long cause one entire summer was wasted by a player who
        got severely sidetracked.  Now that the players and myself
        are in a groove it goes faster.  On average I could probably
        do an adventure in a year of real time.  So it does take
        time involved BUt your character isn't required to read and
        post every week.  Some have been able to go away or just be
        too busy to post for a few weeks then catch up.  So its
        flexible that way.

        Adventure #1 was in Clima taking down one of their secret
        bases for world takeover. :)

        Adventure #2 was on the Zen'da plains dealing with a vampire
        and plans for regional takeover.

        Adventure #3 was in the Vassa forests dealing with trouble
        there and local takeovers.  (Gee these takeovers seem to
        be common huh? :))

        Advneture #4 was in the Dark lands dealing with a threat to the
        lands there.

        Base of operations for the group is Marentia.  With one player
        who can teleport half a contient (yes experienced here!)
        travel isn't a problem.  I've worked out a arc story that
        deals with backgrounds thus #2 dealt with 2 players homeland,
        #3 with another homeland and #4 with another.  That arc
        is tied together for #2-#4 and will end on #5.

        In game time the story has gone from Aprils 1631 to Ma 1634
        almost 3 full years have passed for the players.  So time
        moves for the game universe as well.

        This group is well experienced but new players can easily join
        in if you wish.  The next adventure will be quite dangerous
        and more combat oriented.  It will be one of the most difficult
        adventures for the group but ends the arc story I've done. AFter
        that the party can return to Marentia for rest until some
        new threat comes about.  :)

        The game is done via mailing list, website (mine keeps links
        of maps, reports and updates) and list archives.  So if
        your wanting to join email me.  If questions email me.

        website: http://www.funport.com/longshot/pbem
        A link to #3 can be found there as well as info on the game
        on teh top sections including histories and bios.

        Now back to your regularly scheduled mailing list...

If need References players can be emailed as well.  I've warned them to lie about how fun the game is :). 

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