[PnP] Elemental Arts...

Scott Adams longshot at cybermax.net
Thu Sep 24 01:26:10 CEST 2009

Hope all is enjoying the P&P world...

Been quiet so have a question to stir up some hornets.  

Do you guys allow a Eleemntal Pact once formed to stay in place forever?  Or do you for summoning elementals require they recal an EP spell each time regain the pact? 

E. P. has a duration of turns.  So to me that implies short term.  Besides if you leave an area say one sea to another sea is the water pact still there?  Even if you spent 3 years in a land locked land inside a cave?

To me not.  But then v2 has Aerial Powers which implies EP - Air is automatic.  The pact is automatic.  But doesn't imply a duration for this pact.

Does this mean in v2 Richard gave mages the ability to have a forever pact with the Air (since its all around) and not earth/water?

To me it just implies an automatic relationship not a pact to the air.  Taking aerial powers implies you like those gods or forces.  

Why else would one learn E. P. to cast it once and have a pact forever?  Don't makes sense.  but I have a couple players who seem to think otherwise.  Just curious what other GMs or the Maker himself thinks. 

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