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Tue Jan 8 10:09:52 CET 2013

population of the entire country to find the rural population.  Divide
the urban population by the rural population and multiply by 2 to find
the urban support percentage (USP).  Take the USP and multiply by the
figured cropland of the village.  Add this to the village total, again
checking to see if they go over the limit.
EXAMPLE: Marentia has an urban population of 148,000, and a total
population of 900,000.  This produces a USP of 0.39, adding another 308
acres to the cropland, for a total of 1096 acres.  This is still under
the limit.

Besides crop land additional space is required for the village
buildings, roads, and unusable "waste" land that cannot be used for
enything.  As a rough guild, use the following values for each type of
    Cropland: x1.05
    Plains:   x1.05, x1.1 if rugged
    Hills:    x1.1,  x1.2 if rugged
    Forest:   x1.1,  x1.2 if rugged
    Jungle:   x1.15, x1.3 if rugged or marshy
    Swamp:    x1.25, x1.5 if very wet
    Mountain: x1.5,  x2.0 if very rugged or alpine
    Badlands: x1.75, x2.5 if very rugged
    Desert:   x2,    x5 if very arid

Multiply the cropland by the indicated factor to find total land
EXAMPLE: This village is in a mountain hex, but more on the foothills
then in the rugged interior. Assigning a waste rating of 1.5, we have a
total acreage of an 1,644 acres. Assuming a roughly circular arrangement
(village in center, tended fields out from that), this village of 210
sits on 2.57 square miles of mostly cleared land, surrounded by woods,
rock and other rough terrain.  The outer edge of the cleared lands is a
little over a mile and a quarter from the village center (actually 1.278
miles -- the village lands are about 2.56 miles across).

Take the figured cropland and divide out the land multiplier for the
terrain.  Multiply the remainder by 0.5 if barbarian farming or by 0.66
if civilized farming.  This will indicate the number of "standard" acres
actually sown each year.  Each acre will produce the yield (in bushels)
as noted for the type of farming, after accounting for next year's
seed.  From this there will be anywhere from 10-30% waste, with a 20%
average, due to rot, vermine or theft. With the average man requiring 18
bushels of food per year, subtract the village's requirements for the
year.  The remainder is the lord's portion.
EXAMPLE: The village's 1096 acres of cropland (divided by 1.5 for 731
"standard" acres) are 1/3 fallow, so only 484 acres are available to
produce 15 bushels of grain per year each, for a total of 7,260
bushels.  The villagers need 3,780 bushels or grain, and another 1,452
are lost to rot or rats, leaving an average of 2,028 bushels for the
lord of the village.

The remaining grain is now sold down the trade routes, eventually to end
up in the cities and towns of the land.  Each bushel of grain weighs
60#.  While 10# of grain (10FP) costs 1CC, this is the retail
price...the source village's lord will get HALF this, or 0.5BB per
pound, rounded up to the next silver coin.
EXAMPLE: Our lord has a crop of 121,680# or grain, for a profit of 609SC
per year for his owned village of 1,644 acres -- an average "yield" of
37BB per acre per year.

To keep things simple, simply provide for the living requirements of the
lord and his staff, soldiers, sheriffs and the like from all his
profits...they go down real fast. :)
         -- Burton
Burton Choinski
Principle Software Engineer, Quality Engineering
email: burton.choinski at

phone: 978-322-2135
fax  : 978-452-5764

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