[PnP] pnp Digest, Vol 124, Issue 5

Scott Adams longshotgm at comcast.net
Sat Jan 16 03:01:23 CET 2016

Sounds like fun.  If you intend to jus tdo a free 
e-book then do scans now.  I'd like to see.  If you want $$ then best wait.
But as much general info as Ticasi would be great just fur gee whiz sakes.

At 05:23 PM 1/13/2016, you wrote:
>Scott - Thanks for the advice. Sounds good to 
>me. Will hold scans for now. Hope to publish, 
>but will remember (am saving this letter) about 
>Wout. And - Yes - it is DEFINITELY a p&p story. 
>Characters - good guys & bad, countries, 
>governments, social personalities, etc. of 
>course, some of my folks are social rebels - lol 
>! Bess L. Hadley 
>-------------------------------------------- On 
>Wed, 1/13/16, 
>pnp-request at list.powersandperils.org 
><pnp-request at list.powersandperils.org> wrote: 
>Subject: pnp Digest, Vol 124, Issue 5 To: 
>pnp at list.powersandperils.org Date: Wednesday, 
>January 13, 2016, 3:00 AM Send pnp mailing list 
>submissions to   
>Â  pnp at list.powersandperils.org To subscribe or 
>unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit   
>or, via email, send a message with subject or 
>body 'help' to   
>Â  pnp-request at list.powersandperils.org You can 
>reach the person managing the list at   
>Â  pnp-owner at list.powersandperils.org When 
>replying, please edit your Subject line so it is 
>more specific than "Re: Contents of pnp 
>digest..." Today's Topics: Â Â Â 1. Re: pnp 
>Digest, Vol 124, Issue 3 (Scott Adams) 
>Message: 1 Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2016 00:09:41 -0500 
>From: Scott Adams <longshotgm at comcast.net> To: 
>Bessie Hadley <eleabess at sbcglobal.net>, The 
>Powers and Perils     Mailing List 
><pnp at list.powersandperils.org> Subject: Re: 
>[PnP] pnp Digest, Vol 124, Issue 3 Message-ID: 
><mailman.2.1452682801.17301.pnp at list.powersandperils.org> 
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; 
>format=flowed At 02:15 PM 1/10/2016, you 
>wrote: >Apprpriately groaning, Scott. (actually, 
>I love >puns - and I'm going to regret admitting 
>that, >aren't I?) Will try to get scan sent via 
>this >mailing list within a week - will be 
>an >attachment - Would be better to 
>re-draw >buildings, altho' probably no real 
>"copyright" >infringement on a campus/town 
>diagram over 400 >years old (hee hee) Putting 
>all your names in my >Reference list as P&P GMs. 
>Feel you deserve the >credit. My book currently 
>on hiatus for a week >while clean up, uh, 
>reorganize my office over >next few days. 
>Getting nervous about this old >computer of mine 
>(MS Vista 7) - not sure they're >still sending 
>antiviral updates - haven't seen >any so far 
>this year. Backing up all files on >thumb 
>drives, just in case. Can't afford new >comp at 
>this time. Do have a comp friend to help >me, 
>tho' if get into trouble. Bess L. 
>Hadley >----------------------------------------- 
>--- On >Sun, 
>1/10/16, >pnp-request at list.powersandperils.org >< 
>pnp-request at list.powersandperils.org> 
>wrote: >Subject: pnp Digest, Vol 124, Issue 3 
>To: >pnp at list.powersandperils.org Date: 
>Sunday, >January 10, 2016, 3:00 AM Send pnp 
>mailing list >submissions to ? 
>? >?  pnp at list.powersandperils.org To subscribe 
>or >unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit ? 
>? >? >http://www.powersandperils.org/cgi-bin/mail 
>man/listinfo/pnp >or, via email, send a message 
>with subject or >body 'help' to ? 
>? >?  pnp-request at list.powersandperils.org You 
>can >reach the person managing the list at ? 
>? >?  pnp-owner at list.powersandperils.org 
>When >replying, please edit your Subject line so 
>it is >more specific than "Re: Contents of 
>pnp >digest..." Today's Topics: ? ? ? 1. Re: 
>pnp >Digest, Vol 124, Issue 2 (David Sanders) ? 
>? ? >2. Re: pnp Digest, Vol 124, Issue 2 
>(David >Sanders) ? ? ? 3. Re: pnp Digest, Vol 
>124, Issue >2 (Bessie Hadley) ? ? ? 4. Re: pnp 
>Digest, Vol >124, Issue 2 (Bessie Hadley) ? ? ? 
>5. Re: pnp >Digest, Vol 124, Issue 2 (Alex 
>Koponen) ? ? ? 6. >Re: pnp Digest, Vol 124, 
>Issue 2 (Scott Adams) ? >? ? 7. Re: pnp Digest, 
>Vol 124, Issue 2 
>(Scott >Adams) >--------------------------------- 
>------------------------------------- >Message: 
>1 Date: Sat, 9 Jan 2016 For some reason your 
>email quote is messed up.  But its fine on web 
>archives so will read it and reply here. :) I've 
>been a GM for p&p since day 1 in 
>'83.  I've  been helping in the list since 
>early '90s.  Helped Richard (as others did) for 
>v2 rules. Did a pbem since 1999.  Up to 
>adventure #7 which righ tnow is in Ticasi 
>city.  Thus the interest in the fields. I still 
>not found my culture book to see if the 22nd 
>field is there but its missing in the pdf 
>version. As to book finish it before doing scans 
>for us.  Once you finish it has that copyright 
>and you grant who gets the scans. Yeah now Win10 
>is the craze few do any vista stuff anymore. I'm 
>still win7 and dread 10 myself. Good luck on the 
>book. If your not selling it send it to Wout to 
>put on his site. :) If it is a p&p related book. 
>------------------------------ Subject: Digest 
>pnp mailing list pnp at list.powersandperils.org 
>------------------------------ End of pnp 
>Digest, Vol 124, Issue 5 
>pnp mailing list pnp at list.powersandperils.org 

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