[PnP] pnp Digest, Vol 128, Sylph motivations

Bessie Hadley eleabess at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jun 7 19:06:38 CEST 2016

I don't know that they would notice very much if they have their freedom, but if someone or something wsas interferring with their abiliies to control Wind & Cloud elementals, I could see concern for their independence.  I lived in Phoenix for 4 years (while attending the university) & often saw, when out in the desert with a long, open view before me, several dust devils swirling around at the same time - seems to me they could be playing a game with such winds. If some evil entity could sway them to emnity with a race (say humans or other mages who manipulate storms), the Slyphs might encourage storms (great storms) to batter around their perceived enemies. This would be really dangerous at sea or on a large lake.

What it would take to convince them they had an enemy? I think, perhaps, that their own freedoms are being interferred with in such a way that they are losing the ability to control their fellow air elementals. Chaos would perhaps encourage them to create more storms & Law might try to stop them. Most of the time, I assume they could care less about tiny mages, except to watch for interesting side effects of others' magic. Aerial toys like balloons would entertain them briefly, especially if there is a particular "challenge" involved - say having the item reach a certain point - on target & by a certain time.

I should not want to make them angry - thunderstorms are no fun in areas with no shelter. 

Bess L. Hadley 

On Thu, 6/2/16, pnp-request at list.powersandperils.org <pnp-request at list.powersandperils.org> wrote:

 Subject: pnp Digest, Vol 128, Issue 2
 To: pnp at list.powersandperils.org
 Date: Thursday, June 2, 2016, 3:00 AM
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 Today's Topics:
    1. Re: Sylphs (Scott Adams)
 Message: 1
 Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2016 19:03:03 -0400
 From: Scott Adams <longshotgm at comcast.net>
 To: The Powers and Perils Mailing List <pnp at list.powersandperils.org>
 Subject: Re: [PnP] Sylphs
 Message-ID: <mailman.2.1464861601.13287.pnp at list.powersandperils.org>
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 To me itis things that diminish the wind.  So they
 would avoid (to 
 me) desert areas when possible. So if a dry desert has
 little air 
 movement or currents and it starts to spread then these
 might be 
 inclined to stop it.  So a mage who deadens an
 area...no wind..no 
 life...etc...would be motivation to stop.  They also
 migh tbe 
 influenced by those silly humans who fly kites, balloons,
 fly, use 
 flying ships or carpets..they would be interesting to
 investigate.  I 
 guess is how I see them.
 Hopes it helps.
 At 04:22 PM 5/31/2016, you wrote:
 >What do you think might be the motivations of the Sylph
 Air Elementals?
 >I've been trying to figure out what would interest
 them...what they 
 >want...other than their freedom to go as the wind
 goes.  But what else?
 >Do any of you have any ideas?
 >Sent from my iPad
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 >pnp at list.powersandperils.org
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