[PnP] Elf Hiding

Scott Adams longshotgm at comcast.net
Fri Aug 18 01:22:33 CEST 2017

 >You don't see an Elf Hiding in the Forest.  They are real good at 
that kind of stuff.

YEah but it seems way too arbitary.  So if a Elf is 2 feet away in 
front of you you just don't see him? Just too easy.
The rules elaborate details but it seems a weird thing.  So Elf and 
Hunter compete to hide.
They should have good skills.  But this elf hiding thing seems like 
almost a automatic
than a chance.

Mechanically at least.
I understand the basic idea.

Just think the rule on this could be tweaked.  I never got to 
thinking on it till recently.
Was curious if folks tweaked this skill/rule/mechanic.

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