[PnP] Tonah

Scott Adams longshotgm at comcast.net
Mon Jul 15 02:49:17 CEST 2019

That first line i would 100% disagree with.  Give me any char you 
want i can make it. As with pure experience I know how ot use the 
system.  If you want a one legged blind beggar who has issues being 
outside.  i can make it.
That's me.  Not everyone can I grant that.  Being a GM for 4 decades 
and a programmer kinda helps. Being a detail person systems like pnp 
or SFB (star fleet battles where rule lawyering is a art) is easier 
case I orange the details better.
By no means am I fluent in every rule.  But i can work the system.
So I disagree pnp can do any character out there.
ok ok...maybe not a starship pilot but fantasy level ;)
As to other stuff you list that's great.  Good luck.
But my 4 hours sleep has brain fuzzy so not gonna comment more at 
this time.  ;)

My only grievance with P&P is that the character creation rules don't 
allow my make the character concept I have in my head.
Something I liked from AD&D is kits: "A  kit is a 
role-playing  tool,  a set of cultural  notes  and  minor  abilities 
and restrictions  used  to further define a character."
ADD you think something from Arcanum, a CRPG, where there is list of 
abilities you learn in order as you level up.
So I'm thinking of make 'kits' that are a list of abilities that you 
gain and the order in which you gain them with some fluff text about 
how you gain them.
So for example have a DnD style wizard. The constant reading his 
spell book and memorizing his spells and paying attention to the 
magics he comes across on adventure with a keen eye means a wizard 
learns X spells from list A at EL0 at MEL. As a wizards understanding 
of magic grows at MEL Z he can learn a spell from list A or a more 
complex spell from list B.
Lee Garvin recently died and Skimisher had a sell on a bundle of the 
books he wrote. I reread Noble Wild:An Animal Player's Handbook for 
fantasy Role Playing games.
" In order to aid the fledgling peoples, and to place some limits on 
them as well, the godsraised one of every species of animal that 
walked, crawled, swam, or flew to be the king of it's kind. Each 
king,in addition to being a paragon of its kind, was given the gifts 
of reason and speech. Their intelligence wasincreased far above their 
natural brethren, and the capacity for magic lurked within them that 
would find a tastefor it. These kings and their bloodlines would 
become the ruling classes of the animals, leading and protectingtheir 
species." Sounds lot like the Tonah doesn't it?
IT has rules for how animals are different from humans. Like Animals 
learn how to speak to different species not languages.
"The reason for this is that, to noble animals, all members of a 
single species, no matter where they are originally from, speak the 
same language. The only differences are in the form of differing 
accents and idioms. As far as noble animals are concerned, there is 
only one human language, with thousands of different accents."e
So for example A Dog might know Human and be able to speak to a human 
is speaking Marentian but unable to communicate with a elf that is 
speaking the same language. There is also a note that animals make 
terrible translators. It doesn't go into detail, just saying,Noble 
animals have a hard time even understand- ing why humans will often 
need to have translators while speaking to members of their own 
species. For this reason, noble animals make terrible translators." 
but my rationale is that animal languages don't have a rich variety 
of saying the same thing. So animals don't see the difference between 
saying the same words with different accent and paraphrasing.
Most of the book is about magic. Animals don't use items so there is 
alternatives for the material components of spells, scrolls and 
potions, magic items.
Fore example Mat. Comps. are replaced with Blood Components that take 
Hit Points form the caster. or the replacement for potions, Fetishes 
"For example, a noble wolf wizard decides to grant an invisibility 
fetish to a noble horse who has done him a favor. The horse now has a 
shock of white hair just above his right front hoof. Anytime he 
chooses he can rub the marked leg on the ground and release the 
spell. The white patch will disappear, and so will the horse. Another 
animal could, with the horse's permission, rub that patch of fur and 
gain the benefit of the fetish, which also uses it up."
The replacement scrolls and wands is imbuing the magic is normal 
animals that is turned into a unintelligent drone obedient to their 
owner and are eaten(for one shot items) "The spellthrall will only 
respond to the simplest of commands: "come," "stay," "follow," "sit," 
"stand," and of course, the command words to activate its special abilities."

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