[PnP] Section 1-3 out of 8 Potions Project

Scott Adams longshotgm at comcast.net
Thu Nov 26 06:32:15 CET 2020

	  	Powers & Perils - Potions, etc.

	1. Introduction

	   This document will detail Potions and all aspects of help for 
them.  This new homebrew system is a work in progress so it may be 
expanded over time. This document assumes the potion is a 8 ounce 
container.  The base unit of any potion is 2 items.  Some ingredient 
mixed with a liquid to mix or combine it.  The majority of this 
information comes from version 2 of the rules - namely book 3 (or the 
monster file I have created) and the Book 4 (Natural Magical items 
(NMI)) section of the rules.  Some minor sources include non-P&P 
sources, my ship project and a few other P&P odds and ends.  In some 
cases it is a pure mix A with B and C straight out of the rules.  But 
I did create new situations when needed.  For example if a NMI was to 
be worn I had to fudge it a bit to fit for a "potion."  This may have 
included buffing or decreasing effects.  Finally, there are 3 core 
sections I wanted to cover.  The Core Healing related potions, energy 
potions, poisons and other potions for Disease or other aspects. If 
you need to expand the potion from a 8 ounce container use it as a 
ratio.  I use 1 ounce = 1 dose for simplicity.  So if you wanted to 
make a 20 ounce potion then use a ratio of 2.5 as multiplier.  So 
you'd use 2.5 the ingredients (if applicable), x2.5 mixtures and 
value.  Other factors may be subject to this but will need to be 
dealt with on case by case basis for example duration.  The base 
duration is 24 hours unless potion is magically preserved.  In the 
end the player/herbalist and referee will have to agree on things and 
referee is final judge.  In all cases Round up for math situations. 
Some potions require a magical spell to boost or enhance the effects 
of the potion.
	   When v1 came out we saw in the treasure section potions! But no 
actual rules.  After 37 years I hope this supplement will flesh that 
out.  Who can make or use potions?  To craft certain ones that 
require spells you will need to be a magic user.  But if it is simple 
ingredients then a common person can do it.  Do they need to be a 
herbalist? I certainly believe it helps.  But other skill sets can 
replace that like hunting, alchemy, biology, botany and other 
possible Scholar substitutions.  Unless stated otherwise anyone can 
drink these potions.  For this document Herbalist skill can be 
replaced by the skills allowed by Referee.

	1.1 Naming Conventions:

	    Ingredients : Items used to create Potion.  Herbalists should 
have knowledge on how to collect and where to collect.

	    Creation    : Method to create.  Usually mix or stir all items 
with ingredients.

	    Create time : Time for creation seconds or minutes.  Herbalist 
skill can speed things up.

	    Time        : How long potion lasts once created before expires 
and useless.

	    Effect      : The effect that potion has on drinker.

	    Availability: Chance final potion is found in a Herbalist shop 
not ingredient chances.

	    Doses       : Number of doses per potion for a 8 oz potion. For 
example 2 (4 oz) can allow 2 to drink for effects.

	    Value       : Number of coins if potion were sold and can be 
paid for in a shop with possible ranges.

	    Notes	: Any special notes about the potion for drinker or crafter.

	2. Ingredient gathering

	   The crafted final item can be of Normal (N), Good (G) or 
Superior/Fine (F) Quality.  This quality will depend on the skill of 
the crafter and the work done. This quality may affect final results 
of potion outcome.  	

	2.1 Gathering

	   Herbalist can venture into the wilderness to collect all the 
ingredients they need.  They should use the Searching Rules set out 
in P&P.  Some herbalists who are academics or village Shamans may 
delegate scouts or others to locate items.  But in some cases only a 
skilled Herbalist should collect certain ingredients so not to ruin 
the specimens.

	   A searching Herbalist can subtract his skill/10 to search rolls 
as long as he also has a survival skill in that terrain he is searching in.

	   There are 2 types of searches - Dedicated and Travel.   Dedicated 
you must spend one full hour looking for that one ingredient item. 
During this time you can't do any other action or travel far from 
that one search area.  This method does allow you to attempt many 
searches say 4 in a 4 hour period.  The Travel method is like 
foraging for food that you do over a full days of travel.  You spend 
that entire day collecting and searching for a single item but your 
chances are better.  The Referee can automatically give that item or 
give a bonus on the search for the effort and time spent.

	   Stockpiles can't be kept unless the herbalist has sufficient 
equipment - preservatives, jars and collecting gear.

	2.2 Gardens

	   A full guide on home gardens is out of scope for this version of 
the document.  There is a online source that has good info -
http://www.zioth.com/roleplay/equipment/herbs - but with that said 
gardens are such diverse and random that no one mechanic is easy to 
do here.  One must consider location, herbs/plants to grow, climate 
and other factors like city life to farm land or personal garden to 
commercial gardens.

	   For simplicity let's call a 10x10 foot garden as a base.  One can 
safely assume most plants can fight for space in this garden giving a 
yield of 50 items.  To figure out how many grow we should consider 
some factors.  If the ingredient would have large root system then 
lower the 1 square foot rule to larger like 3-4 square feet for only 
20-25 items.

	      Skill	   Factor
	   Herbalist	-EL/10 to roll
	   Farming	-EL/10 to roll
	   Scholar	-EL/20 to roll

	      Terrain	   Effect
	   Arid/Bad	+15
	   Normal	+10
	   Good		-5
	   Fertile Land	-10

	      Climate	   Effect
	   Rainy	-10 (unless its major rains to ruin land)
	   Dry		+10 (drought can do higher like +30)
	   Temperate	-5

	      Soil/Water    Effect
	   Bad Soil	+30
	   Normal Soil	+5
	   Good Soil	-5
	   Fertile 	-10
	   Drought 	+30
	   Good water 	-10
	   Irrigated 	-20

	     Other 	   Effect
	   Good tools	-10
	   Bad Tools	+10
	   Infestations	+10 (bugs to eat items, large animals like crows, etc)

	   This factor should range from -75 to +105.  To determine success 
roll the main skill used (highest) like Farmer or Herbalist on a D100 
adding the factor to the roll.  To determine yield take Skill 
EL+2D10%.  A base yield of 5% is minimum. If 50 items is the max then 
50x this yield % for number of items.  Use the 10x10 as baseline.  If 
your garden is larger proportion it.  One can roll for each 10x10 or 
as a whole.  So if you have 50x50 garden you can do 5 rolls or simply 
x5 the final results.

	   Example 1: City Garden Herbalist EL53 (-5), 10x10 Area, Good 
Terrain (-5), Dry Climate up in hills but not so much rain (+10), 
Normal soil (+5), Irrigated canals (-20) but has bad tools (+10).  A 
final factor of -5.  He rolls a 37-5=32, which is under his skill so 
success!  He will yield 32%+2D10% (34-54%) of his garden 32%+8(2d10) 
x50=20 items.  So he yields say 20 healing herbs or 20 plants.
	   Example 2: Farm land, Scholar Farmer EL67 has theory on farming 
(-3), Rainy area (-10), Normal soil (+5), Stream nearby for good 
water (-10), Good tools (-10) but infested by Ants and Crows 
(+10).  Giving factor of -18.  He rolls 88-18=70>67 so garden fails.

	   If a garden fails you can give the base 5% yield or none 
depending on the Referees wishes.  Another option is a 2D10% 
yield.  A partial success can yield 10% of max yield.

	2.3 Stores

	   General Stores, Farm Markets, Animal Markets, Gardens and 
Herbalist shops can also have ingredients at hand.  At least for 
civilized areas. For Barbarian areas they may be cut drastically in 
supplies - but they could also have MORE supplies based on what is 
around.  A shaman may have more items than a herbalist would if it is 
rare.  For the Availability chances below you should figure these 
factors in mind.  A good shaman would not tend to have poisons to 
kill folks lying around.  Capitals or special sites like a Royal 
Palace may have even more supplies than a store as well.

	2.4 Herbalist Kit

	   This kit is the key for any success for a Herbalist.  This kit 
contains a variety of instruments such as clippers, mortar and 
pestle, and pouches and vials used by herbalists to create remedies 
and potions. The herbalism kit also generally contains a small book 
in which the herbalist can take notes and record recipes.

	   Prices may vary and depend on what the herbalist intends to 
do.  Could be as cheap as 4 SC to as expensive as 4 GC.  A 
civilized  kit will look different than a barbarian kit as they will 
use pouches and less high tech items as vials.

	2.5 Other Materials

	   While the kit should suffice a herbalist workshop may need much 
more variety of equipment.  This is beyond the scope of this document 
but some stores may sell examples of:

	        Item		Cost	Weight     Notes
	    Bowl 	        1 BB      0.5   Wooden
	    Cauldron            6 CC      6     Metal - holds 1 liter = 34 ounces
	    Cup                 2 BB      0.25  8 Ounce wooden cup to pour potions
	    Goblet, Wooden      3 BB      0.10  For various potion types
             Goblet, Metal       6 BB      0.875 For various potion types
             Goblet, Brass       8 BB      0.5   For various potion types
             Goblet, Glass      12 BB      0.25  For various potion types
             Goblet, Pewter      8 GG      0.10  For various potion types
             Goblet, Crystal    15 BB      0.75  For various potion types
             Goblet, Silver      1 SC      1     For various potion types
             Goblet, Gold        1 GC      1.5   For various potion types
             Plate               2 BB      0.25  For ingredient 
cutting, sorting
             Spoon               4 BB       -    Basic mixing
	    Skillet             2 CC      0.5   Mild cooking of ingredients
             Clippers            3 CC      2     To clip ingredients
             Scissors            8 CC      1     To cut ingredients
             Pruners             1 SC      2     Larger clipping tool
             Burner, Oil         1 SC      2     Oil burner to heat 
up materials
             Burner, Candle      6 CC      2     Single, double or 
triple flame burner
             Pinchers            8 BB      1     Tool to hold items
             Tongs               4 CC      2     Smaller tool
             Tweezers            1 SC      0.5   Finger sized 
delicate tool to handle ingredients
             Preservatives      Varies     0.5   Jar to preserve 
certain items (16 oz)
             Vial I              3 BB       -    One ounce pottery 
container with cork
	    Vial II             6 BB      0.25  Four ounce pottery container 
with cork.
             Vial, Glass         *10        -    Translucent, fragile
             Vial, Porcelain     *3         -    Fine 
porcelain.  More durable and attractive

   	    urnsoothe Ointment	2-4 SC    0.5   24 hrs to expire, burns 
are given relief *
             Venomcleanse Tea	2-4 SC     -    24 hrs to expire *
             Woundbind Poultice	2-5 SC    0.5	24 hrs to expire *
	Burnsoothe Ointment: This paste, composed primarily of roots and 
plant oils, reduces pain and speeds the recovery of burns. If applied 
to a creature's wounds within 10 minutes of their taking fire damage 
from any source or if applied within 10 minutes of the end of an 
encounter during which they took fire damage from any source, the 
creature heals 1d6+2 hit points.

	Venomcleanse Tea: This herbal tea composed helps cleanse the body of 
normal toxins. It is normally imbibed but can also be used to clean a 
poisoned wound. When a creature suffering from the poisoned condition 
is treated with this remedy.  Drinker can make TWO poison resistance rolls.

	Woundbind Poultice: This is a spongy mass of absorbent moss treated 
with a number of herbs designed to staunch bleeding, cleanse wounds, 
and dull pain. If bound over a wound, it promotes quick healing. When 
applied to a wound, the recipient heals 1d4+2 hit points.

		* - Items adapted from D&D.

	2.6 Crafting Steps

	   The steps in creating potions as follows:

	   1) Ingredient collection
	   2) Magical application if it applies.
	   3) Mixture of item
	   4) Application to any to drink it.

	   A good rule of thumb is Enhancement and/or Enchantment spells 
should be equal or higher than crafter's main skill divided by 8 
(RU).  For a wizard is Enchantment 4, Enhancement 1 and Herbalist 
20.  So 20/8=2.5 (3).  So not skilled enough to help make potions 
that needed enchanted items.  But can use the enhancement spells fine.

	   If a spell is required to be cast it is cast during mixing onto 
the container (must hold).  If the spell fails ingredients are 
damaged and must be recreated entirely with new ingredients.

	   A cooking cauldron should be purified and/or used on purified 
ground to make large amount of potions if using magic to bind them.

	2.7 Ingredient Rarity

	   Richard made a article on searching for the various items.  The 
below is his info on percentage chance to find the item.

            Item          Ava%      Item          Ava%
	Adingantida       60%     Beithir Hide 	   5%
         Betony            75%     Chimedon         30%
         Darbha Grass      10%     Fern Seed        35%
         Hellebore         15%     Hemlock           5%
         Lunas             10%     Mevais            5%
         Mistletoe         20%     Poppy, Black      5%
         Rue               95$     Wolfbane         40%

	Healing Herbs: The healing herbs in a healing kit are usually cinquefoil. The
commonly available healing plants are listed below.

            Item          Ava%      Item          Ava%
	Agrimony          50%    Amaranth Seeds   30%
         Angelica          10%    Basil            60%
         Bindweed          80%    Bush Resin        -
         Chervil           30%    Cinquefoil      100%
         Clove Pink        70%    Fire Snake Liver  -
         Garlic           100%    Mephis           40%
         Mugwort           25%    Peska             -
         Poppy, White      10%    Te'sla Blood      -

	2.8 Learning new recipes

	   A starting herbalist can learn EL/10 (RU) recipes at character 
generation  start.  If he needs to learn new ones he needs a scroll 
or book.  It will take D3 days to learn and memorize it.  But can 
copy and use it right away.  But a GM can decide on the rules.  He 
could assign D6 points as a skill cost to learn if he wishes.

	3. Healing Potions

	   These potions are designed to physically heal or aid in the 
healing process.

	3.1 Healing Herbs

	    Healing herbs are the most generic forms of healing out there 
found in nature.  These herbs cover many categories that a herbalist 
will know and how to use.  To make a basic healing potion that is not 
a balm for external use to drink, herbalist can make a simple potion.

	    Ingredients : 2 oz Healing Herbs [Powder form]
	    Creation    : Mix with 8 oz water. Garlic to bring effects out.
	    Create time : 10 - Herbalist EL/10 minutes to ground
	    Time        : Lasts 24 hours
	    Effect      : +10% Internal HC rolls, if blessed water +15% (+0 
Normal, +10 Good, +15 Fine)
	    Availability: 80% City, 60% Other, 2% Desert/Arid
	    Doses       : 4 (2 oz)
	    Value       : 10BB or 15BB if Blessed water

	3.2 Shark

	    SHark parts specifically cartiilage from bone or fins are 
considered natural sources of healing.  While most Healers claim 
there is no solid evidence they believe it is a random chance of 
actual benefit.

	    Ingredients : 4 oz Shark bone [Powder], 2 oz of Shark fin [Powder]
	    Creation    : Mix with 8 oz water and 0.5 oz Salt
	    Create time : 20 - Herbalist EL/10 minutes to ground
	    Time        : Lasts 30 hours
	    Effect      : +D10% Internal HC rolls, (+0 Normal, +10 Good, +15 Fine)
	    Availability: 80% Coastal City, 40% Other, 2% Desert/Arid, 10% 
If ocean over 100+ miles away
	    Doses       : 2 (4 oz)
	    Value 	: D10+(Herbalist EL/10) SC (1-18)

	3.3 Regeneration

	    Potion form of spell when spell is not available for drinkers.

	    Ingredients : 4 oz of Healing Herbs, Purified area for crafting
	    Creation    : Mix with 8 oz Goideli Wine
	    Create time : 30 Seconds after creating purified area
	    Time        : Lasts 24 hours
	    Effect      : Regeneration spell effects, (+5% if Good, +10% 
Fine Quality effects)
	    Availability: 70% City, 60% Other
	    Doses       : 2 (4 oz)
	    Value 	: 10+(Herbalist EL/10) SC (11-18)

	3.4 Abnari Elixir

	    Ingredients : 4 oz of Abnari blood contained in metal flask
	    Creation    : Mix with 4 oz Goideli Wine, Salt or Garlic can be 
used to soften taste (0.5 oz)
	    Create time : 10-Herbalist EL/10 minutes
	    Time        : Lasts 24 hours
	    Effect      : Heals 1d10+6
	    Availability: 50% City, 25% Other, 2% Desert/Arid, 10% If ocean 
over 100+ miles away
	    Doses       : 2 (4 oz)
	    Value 	: (14+1D6)x2 SC (30-40)
	    Notes       : 1) Blood taken no less than 4 phases from Abnari death

	3.5 Bush Resin

	    Bush Warrior Resin Elixir to help heal.

	    Ingredients : 2 oz/dose of Bush Warrior Resin, 2 oz Healing 
herbs -both grinded
	    Creation    : Mix with 7 oz Wine, 0.5 oz of Garlic
	    Create time : 10-Herbalist EL/10 minutes
	    Time        : Lasts 24 hours
	    Effect      : +20% HC, 1D6+8+Stb Healing
	    Availability: 60% City, 40% Other
	    Doses       : 1 (8 oz)
	    Value 	: 8+Herbalist EL/10 SC (9-16)
	    Notes       : 1) Only 1 dose per potion else turns to poison

	3.6 Fire Juice

	    Fire Snakes are loyal pets so a liver is only harvested upon 
death in most cultures.

	    Ingredients : 1 Fire Snake liver ground up to powder form
	    Creation    : Mix with 8 oz Wine, 0.5 oz of Garlic
	    Create time : 30-Herbalist EL/10 minutes (ritual emotionally 
affects owner of snake)
	    Time        : Lasts 24+Herbalist EL/10 hours
	    Effect      : HCx4 until healed
	    Availability: 60% City, 80% Other
	    Doses       : 2 (4 oz)
	    Value 	: 18+Herbalist EL/10 SC (19-26)
	    Notes       : 1) Once drink enter coma to heal till fully healed 
for natural healing
			  2) Can cast Negate Curse into potion to remain awake (no coma) 
but can do little or no actions.

	3.7 Te'sla Elixir

	    Ingredients : 4 oz of Te'sla blood Enhanced
	    Creation    : Mix with 4 oz Wine, 0.5 oz of Garlic
	    Create time : 10-Herbalist EL/10 minutes
	    Time        : Lasts 24+Herbalist EL/10 hours
	    Effect      : Regenerates D6+StB hit points per phase up to D10+4 phases
	    Availability: 70% City, 60% Other
	    Doses       : 2 (4 oz)
	    Value 	: 27+Herbalist EL/10 SC (28-35), Enhanced blood x2
	    Notes       : 1) Blood stored in Metal Flask & Harvested within 
4 minutes, if enhanced blood person healed till fully healed
			  2) So unenhanced blood does have some effect

	3.8 Horn Juice

	   A Unicorn horn, alicorn by name, has massive healing 
properties.  But killing a rare unicorn is considered a serious 
offense in many cultures especially the Sidh.

	    Ingredients : 1 Alicorn ground up potion needs 5 oz (5 doses)
	    Creation    : Mix with 4 oz Goideli Wine
	    Create time : 30-Herbalist EL/10 minutes (Difficult task level 
to grind without ruin)
	    Time        : Lasts 12 hours
	    Effect      : BL8 Healing
	    Availability: 5% City, 8% Other
	    Doses       : 1 (8 oz)
	    Value 	: 72+Herbalist EL/10 SC (73-80) due to rarity
	    Notes       : 1) Most cultures will not have item unless Chaos 
or Kotothi then x3 Availability
			  2) Powder once exposed to water will dry out in 20 turns if not 
used in 1 hour its useless unless magically preserved
			  3) Each horn yields 2d10+20 Doses of powder

	3.9 Panther Elixir

	   Water Panthers found only in water - lake, rivers or cave 
water.  Must harvest the brain while in water.

	    Ingredients : 1 Water Panther brain ground up powder (4-6 oz)
	    Creation    : Mix with 5 oz Milk not water	
	    Create time : 30-Herbalist EL/10 minutes (Difficult task level 
to grind without ruin)
	    Time        : Lasts 12 hours
	    Effect      : Healing spell at MEL12/EL10, 1D3 Points of 
Knowledge on any subject
	    Availability: 80% Coastal City, 40% City, 20% Other
	    Doses       : 1 (8 oz)
	    Value 	: 75+Herbalist EL/10 SC (78-83)

	3.10 Amaranth

	   Seeds best swallowed.  But if used in powder form it has a less 
effective result but longer duration.

	    Ingredients : 4 oz of Amaranth seeds (4 oz) grinded unenhanced/enhanced
	    Creation    : Mix with 8 oz Wine
	    Time        : Lasts 48 hours
	    Effect      : Unenhanced- St+15, HC+5 in healing; Enhanced-x2 of 
unenhanced effect for 2 days both forms
	    Availability: 80% Coastal City, 60% City, 20% Other
	    Doses       : 2 (4 oz)
	    Value 	: 15+Herbalist EL/10 SC (16-23), Enhanced-30 (31-38) SC
	    Notes       : 1) Must use FP of drinker in dose/oz to be effective.

	3.11 Chervil

	    Ingredients : 4 oz of Chervil powder (4 doses) Unenhanced
	    Creation    : Mix with 8 oz Water
	    Time        : Lasts 48 hours
	    Effect      : HC+15 vs wounds and infection, if already infected 
cures infection
	    Availability: 80% City, 60% Other
	    Doses       : 2 (4 oz)
	    Value 	: 30+Herbalist EL/10 SC (31-38)

	3.12 Cinequofoil

	    Ingredients : 4 oz of Cinequofoil powder (4 doses) Unenhanced form only
	    Creation    : Mix with 6 oz Water
	    Time        : Lasts 48 hours
	    Effect      : HC+10
	    Availability: 80% City, 60% Other
	    Doses       : 2 (4 oz)
	    Value 	: 30+Herbalist EL/10 SC (31-38)

	3.13 Cinequofoil

	    Ingredients : 4 oz of Cinequofoil powder (4 doses) Unenhanced
	    Creation    : Mix with 8 oz Water
	    Time        : Lasts 48 hours
	    Effect      : HC+10 for 24 hours
	    Availability: 80% City, 60% Other
	    Doses       : 4 (2 oz)
	    Value 	: 30+Herbalist EL/10 SC (31-38)

	3.13 Clove Pink

	    Ingredients : 2 oz of Clove Pink grinded powder (2 doses) Unenhanced
	    Creation    : Mix with 8 oz Water
	    Time        : Lasts 48 hours
	    Effect      : HC+15 against Disease/Infection for 24 hours
	    Availability: 80% City, 60% Other
	    Doses       : 2 (4 oz)
	    Value 	: 45+Herbalist EL/10 SC (46-53)

	3.14 Heliotrophius Health

	    Ingredients : 1 Heliotrophius stone
	    Creation    : Mix with 8 oz of Water
	    Create time : 10-Herbalist EL/10 minutes
	    Time        : Lasts 24 Hours
	    Effect      : Wounds automatically stop bleeding and swelling, 
-2 Damage per wound inflicted
	    Availability: 60% City, 40% Other
	    Doses       : 2 (4 oz)
	    Value 	: 30+Herbalist EL/10 SC (31-38)

	3.15 Hydra Head

	    Ingredients : 1 Immortal Hydra head (4 doses), (Large, Flawless) 
Jasper Gem Enhanced
	    Creation    : Mix with 8 oz of Water
	    Create time : 20-Herbalist EL/10 minutes
	    Time        : Lasts 24 Hours
	    Effect      : EL2 Regeneration, Total immunity to death poison 
and natural death for 10 days
	    Availability: 60% City, 40% Other
	    Doses       : 1 (8 oz)
	    Value 	: 54+Herbalist EL/10 SC (55-62)
             Notes       : 1) Only trained Magic user can collect per 
3 days collecting blood 1 dose obtained
			  2) Drinker rolls Willx2, if higher driven insane forever unless 
EL8 Negate Curse
			  3) Per drink -5 to roll to build resistance each drink
    		     	  4) If insane person drinks again insane automatically 
and no cure can be done

  	3.16 Jasper

	    Ingredients : 1 Large, Flawless Jasper gem Enhanced
	    Creation    : Mix with 8 oz of Water in silver flask
	    Create time : 10-Herbalist EL/10 minutes
	    Time        : Lasts 24 Hours
	    Effect      : 1) HC+10 2) EL5 vs Dream/Illusion powers.  1+2 - 
24 hours duration
	    Availability: 80% City, 60% Other
	    Doses       : 2 (4 oz)
	    Value 	: 45+Herbalist EL/10 SC (46-53)

	3.17 Mugwort Juice

	    Ingredients : 4 oz (4 doses) of Mugwort grinded unenhanced/enhanced
	    Creation    : Mix with 8 oz of Wine
	    Create time : 10-Herbalist EL/10 minutes
	    Time        : Lasts 24 Hours
	    Effect      : Unenhanced-BL6 Cure for death poison Enhanced-BL18 
Cure for Death poison, HC+30 vs disease
	    Availability: 50% City, 20% Other
	    Doses       : 1 (8 oz)
	    Value 	: 30+Herbalist EL/10 SC (31-38), Enhanced-76+Herbalist 
EL/10 (77-84)
	    Notes       : 1) Enhanced-Drinker doesn't suffer from physical 
fatigue for 24 hours
			  2) Enhanced-EL10 Clairvoyance for 10 turns
			  3) Must pick mugwort at night
	3.18 White Poppy

	    Ingredients : 2 oz (2 doses) of White Poppy, 2 oz/Doses of Peska
	    Creation    : Mix with 6 oz of Wine
	    Create time : 10-Herbalist EL/10 minutes
	    Time        : Lasts 48 Hours
	    Effect      : HC+40, St+40 on healing roll if roll HC%. if heals 
treat as EL2 Healing
	    Availability: 70% City, 40% Other
	    Doses       : 1 (8 oz)
	    Value 	: 75+Herbalist EL/10 SC (76-83)
	    Notes       : 1) Stamen grinded into powder for effect
			  2) If take more than 1 potion per 48 hours - 40%-(StBx4) chance 
becomes addicted

	3.19 Ancient Mix

	   This is the oldest form of potion made by primitive people.  It 
took thousands of trial and error to get to this point.

	    Ingredients : 2 oz (2 doses) each of Anemone, Chervil, 
Cinquefoil, Clove Pink and Snake Grape juice. 10 oz total powdered
	    Creation    : Mix with 8 oz of Water
	    Create time : 30-Herbalist EL/10 minutes
	    Time        : Lasts 24 Hours
	    Effect      : +90% HC (a 10% bonus by combing all 5 items) [90% total]
	    Availability: 80% City, 60% Other
	    Doses       : 1 (8 oz)
	    Value 	: 81+Herbalist EL/10 SC (82-89)

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