Very quiet list

Scott Adams longshot at JAX.FIDONET.ORG
Tue Feb 17 04:39:40 CET 1998

*** Quoting w.broere at CT.TUDELFT.NL from a message to longshot ***

w.> Our two and a half year campaign has just ended and we will start a
w.> new one in the Perilous Lands setting the end of this month. It will
w.> center around Ba'rual, so if we make up new info for this area it
w.> will surfuce on the list and site eventually.

     So was it s successful from player and GM point of view?
Did the characters retire or forced to end?  I like to play until they are good
enough to retire and such.  Build up from lowly lifes to skilled people type of

     Another place I've not visited...

w.> basically good guys, instead of our regular mix of 'not entirely bad'
w.> to 'rotten to the core' type of characters. Till then not much to
w.> tell.

     New characters or old ones?  Maybe you could give us an overview of your
players and such.

     Are you a player and GM or just gm?

~~~ Telegard v3.09.b15/mL

|Fidonet:  Scott Adams 1:112/91 at fidonet
|Internet: longshot at
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