Box Art etc.

Longshot Longshot at FRINGE.DIGINC.XG.COM
Sun Oct 18 21:54:01 CEST 1998

*** Quoting Powers and Perils Fantasy Rolepl... from a message to Longshot ***

PaPF> Hiya.

PaPF>     Well, last I heard was that he sent AH a proof or something and
PaPF> they said something like "Oh, yes, it is pretty neat.  But we decided
PaPF> to not do it.  Sorry."In short, they put the kabosh on it.  :(
PaPF> Perhaps Larry can change enough of it in order to make it his own
PaPF> game and publish it himself?

Figures...that's sad though.

~~~ Telegard v3.09.g2-sp3/mL

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