pnp pbem application

Scott Adams longshot at DARKTECH.ORG
Thu Apr 29 06:00:47 CEST 1999

     þ  Application for the P&P PBEM

        Real Name :  ____________________________

        Your Location: __________________________

        Email addres (used in game) : ___________
        Can your email support File Attaches: [ ] Yes [ ]  No

        IRC is Internet Relay Chat which allows one while on the Intenret
   to chat with others in channels all over the planet.  All you need
   is a simple IRC client.  A popular one is MIRC at  IRC
   would allow us to do live gaming sessions.
        Do you already do IRC: [ ] Yes [ ] No
        If so then what time zone are you: __________

      ICQ is another way of doing live chat and instant messaging like
   AOL instant messenger (  Are you on ICQ: [ ] Yes [ ] No
      If so What is your ICQ Number : __________

      How much would you want email updates per week for the game (ie
   how often could you play per week or otherwise) : __________

      Do you have any experience in Play by Email/echomail games? [  ]
      Do you have Experience with Rpgs? [ ] Yes [ ] No
      If so how much: __________________
      Do you own a copy of the P&P game: _____________
      Do you GM or just play or both rpgs? ___________

      Do you prefer Free form gaming where you control the game with
   whatever actions the GM throws at you or adventure style gaming where
   you have to do things in a typical adventure? [ ] Free Form [ ] Adventure

   If you have questions, comments or suggestions I will take them.

     Scott Adams ICQ: 24436933 (Longshot)
     IRC Nick name Longshot on SysopNet Servers (
     Email: pnpgm at [official email of the game]
            longshot at
            longshot at

   For a look at the MAIN P&P web site here is the URL:

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