Smuggler skill

Wout Broere w.broere at CT.TUDELFT.NL
Tue Aug 24 12:01:47 CEST 1999

At 01:55 PM 8/23/99 -0400, you wrote:
>I've seen reference to the smuggler skill in a few documents I've been
>reading, but can't seem to find the skill listed anywhere, could someone
>send me a copy of the write up on that.
>I've got a powers and perils campaign starting this saturday, hope it takes

You're in luck.
Just finished editing the following Heroes articles for the site:
New Skills for P&P
Careful Character Creation
Becoming a Magic User

You will find the smuggler skill description in the first article,
available from the rules section of the website.

Also added an excel light character generator/character sheet I use on a
windows CE machine.


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