Snider Q&A - Misc.

Alex Koponen akoponen at MOSQUITONET.COM
Sat Feb 12 21:46:37 CET 2000

Hello Again,

    Looking ahead it appears that most of what I wrote was suggestions. I
will probably cover those later. But now to complete the first series of
questions, at least the questions that I got answers to from Richard Snider.

Q.    Book 1 p.19-23  Is Starting EL only for those skills learned (under
Common Knowldege) before expertise points are used in learning? Or is it for
non-combat skills anytime that the starting expertise has been acquired? I
notice in several places EL0 or EL1.
A.    [Starting EL applies to all Non-combat skills except when gained as a
sub-skill.]    Starting EL appleis for all non-combat skills except when
they are gained as part of another skill at no cost.

Q.    Book 1 p.21  2.32)  OTHER SKILLS   STARTING EL TABLE
x or 80    Why should a character W80 D2 start better than another character
with W41 D41?  Why should that character start at the maximum possible?
    As it is, the starting EL formula can yield a higher Starting EL than
the Maximum EL.  Example:
    Artist W4 D52 Em4  Starting EL 52 [*]     Maximum EL 30.
Other:    Extract ...TEN,....   ...rounded up,... or change entirely as it
reads it makes little sense.
A.    [* Snider inserted here:  /2=26]    Artist- The formula has a divisor
of 2 so, in your example, the starting EL is 52/2 - 26, not 52. (Though
there may be cases where your statement is correct, it is not correct in
this case).

Q.    Book 1 p.26  DISGUISE ARTIST    Can this skill modify Ap?
A.    Your modification on Disguise Artist affecting appearance is good. If
it is used, it would also apply for others.

Q.    Book 1 p.27    Forester is (Expertise point wise) a package steal, not
just a package deal.  For only 35 expertise in Forester they get up to
hundreds of expertise points worth of other skills. Is this planned or
desired?  Also Assassin and Thief skills are a bit like this though not
nearly so bad. I suggest drastic revision - including attainment of no more
than starting EL in any subskill.
A.    Group skills are intentionally advantageous. In the case of Forester,
the cost to learn may have been set too low.

Q.    Book 1 p.27  Healer - If a character with husbandry skill learns
healing for the same species: Where does there Healing EL start?
    What effects does knowing Husbandry have upon learning Healing?  Also,
what effect does knowing another Healing have upon learning Healing?
A.    Regardless of anything, is <sic> Healer is learned a Starting EL is

Q.    Book 1  p.40  Would it be considered a 'moderately difficult' problem
to solve how to and keep at applied characteristic training? (I+W)x1=%
    Can NPC's train their characteristics? How far?
A.    [No roll required.][Up to limit specified in Book.]    Anyone can
train their characteristics up to the limit specified in the book. There is
no roll required to realize that you must keep up your training to keep your

Q.    Book 2 p.44   LEVITATE  Duration=(EL+1...  What!?!
Phases, turns, minutes, tactical turns, hours,...?
A.    LEVITATE should read TURNS for duration.

Q.    Book 2 p.46    WOUNDS  Duration - ...
A.    WOUNDS duration should read (EL + 1) x 4 turns.

Q.    ALIGNMENTS   Are there 4 or 7 distinct alignments?
i.e. do you need 1 spell (Protection vs. Elder) to protect you from: the
Kotothi, the Sidh, the Elder, The Shamanic Elder, or do you need 4 different
spells?  This also applies to DISPELL/BANISH and to SUMMONING.
A.    [4][1]    There are four distinct alignments. Within the Elder
alignment, there are four subdivisions. Dispell/Banish Elder is good for any
of the four groups.

More misc. later when I have more time....

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