Campaign worlds

David Jackson araborn at HOME.COM
Sun Nov 5 00:52:08 CET 2000

I have to enthusiastically nod in agreement here.  This is my 20th year,
having been involved in gaming since I was 13 (and I'm 33 now).  But just
the fact that we're all P&P enthusiasts reveals some age.  I haven't seen a
decent supplement since the last of the Judge's Guild stuff, or maybe the
Iron Wind campaign world by ICE.  Now that was a cool setting, well thought
out, the kind of thing that great games are made of.

I would have to argue that some of the AD&D modules were quite excellent.
The supplemental material was usually trash, after a point, but in the
beginning it all was very useful to own (I think TSR's decline began with
Unearthed Arcana).  My favorite AD&D module is still my all-time favorite
module ever - "The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth".  It's epic adventure material
at it's best.  Now, maybe I'm just peculiar on that module (I've run it so
many times, with different groups at conventions, that I know every nuance,
and I still love it), but in my mind, it marks the last of the great fantasy
roleplaying material.

Maybe that's what someone should do.  Do like TSR did, set down a formula
for how the products should come out, and stick to that formula.  TSR's
early formula was; rulebooks + adventure modules.  Specific consistency on
both.  High quality on both.  When they started expanding into character
class books and all that trash, then it just went downhill.  The most
disappointing book of all time was the Dungeoneer's Guide.  What a load of


Yeah heck I got back almost 20 years and not seen a good suplement in ages.
The only suplmenets I ever used was some Fasa Material for Star Trek (my
rpg system) it had some good decent and simple scenerios where they weren't
bogged down in nice flashy graphics and no plot.  The only other fantasy
I saw good supplmenets were for Elric/Strombringer/hawkmoon .  The one
scenerio I think of isn't a unique plot but it was so detailed and yet not
down it could lap into months of gaming.

I remeber when D&D supplements filled the shelfs in stores.  Man those
seemed to be teh same after awhile with just new covers :)

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