
The Choinski Family choinski at TIAC.NET
Fri Sep 8 23:53:36 CEST 2000

You may want to see my optional rules on the web site.  It breaks the
heaight/weight stuff by culture as well as sex.
     -- Burton

> From: Alex Koponen <akoponen at MOSQUITONET.COM>
> Reply-To: Powers and Perils Fantasy Roleplaying Game Mailing List
> <POWERS-AND-PERILS at geo000.CiTG.TUDelft.NL>
> Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 21:19:34 -0800
> To: POWERS-AND-PERILS at geo000.CiTG.TUDelft.NL
> Subject: Height
> Hello All,
> I was just creating a new character and I realized that one of the minor
> things that bother me about P&P (and many other systems as well) is that in
> order to keep the 'average' height statistically correct for the sexes the
> short and sloppy route of making women with more strength/stamina than men
> the same height was used. Instead, both sexes should have roughly the same
> strength/stamina for a given height or weight (presuming in good shape).
> This would in turn make the statistically correct fact that bigger IS
> stronger and men, on average, are bigger and stronger than women.
> Game terms. Both sexes should use Native Strength + Native Stamina +
> (average of listed factors) = Height.
> Maybe the same for weight.
> Alex K.

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