Walled cities?

Paul L. Ming pming at HOME.COM
Sat Sep 23 03:59:30 CEST 2000


Walled cities are awfully expensive.  Thus I would base it on several
1) power of that country (via culture book) 2) ecnomy (how rich it is)
3) history (war with other countries, raiders).

    I was including all types of walls...not just th e"big, thick stone
ones".  Wooden pallisades, earthen ramparts, even just simple 6' high stone
walls you can't even walk on (just there to prevent horses and 'rolling
siege stuff' from getting too close.

    Obviously the more for all 3 the more walled cities.


    I've descided to just list ALL cities as being "walled" on the maps I'm
making...once/if I do a city map, then I'll decide what (if any) type of
wall is on that city.
    "Towns" (re; "Fortresses" as they are listed in the PL map booklet) also
have a single map symbol...'walled town'.  And again, leaving the actual
existance of a wall up to the DM or me when I do the town map. :-)
    I'm not even sure I'm going to list the 'tribal centres'...there's a lot
of them, and I don't want them to clutter up the map.  If I do, I'll put
them on a seperate layer so they can be, by default "hidden".

    Oh, I'm using Campaign Cartographer2 (and City Designer2, and Dungeon
Designer2) to do these maps.  If/when I ever finish the map, I'll be sure
and post it for everyone to look at/use/whatever.


Paul L. Ming

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