Moving along...

Choinski, Burton Burton.Choinski at MATRIXONE.COM
Mon Apr 15 18:30:41 CEST 2002

Well, given the realities of the situation in Djanesborg, my group has
pulled up stakes and migrated down to Caldo for now.

Sorry Scott -- not much chance of getting rules out for the Candan navy
right now :}

The Djani noblewoman managed to get some money for her family land and manor
(helped with the male of the group last night speaking for her), and they
trucked down to Caldo where the other woman in the group has a station 3.

On a humorous note....

The Candan woman's family threw a celebration for the return of their only
child from Djanesborg.  I told the players they could shmooze about with the
guests and try to get contacts or such.

Problem is, we don't have much in the way of rules for it (by the book).  I
said they could use their Influence chance -- x2 for something easy but
relatively useless, x1 for average and useful, 1/2 for difficult and of
great use.

The Djani woman had the best chance, but I haved it since she had to use the
Caldan woman as a translator.  She made her easy roll and fit in well enough
to be accepable with the local important people.

The Caldan made a simple roll and caught up with people on things.
Actually, the roll was very good, but she did not say how difficult she was
going for before she rolled, so I had to assume easy.

The Kameri male (A monster who spent nearly all initial training on weapon
skill and attribute increase -- he has a +4 WSB and Broadsword EL 13), who
actually spent spent points to learn Caldan, goes for easy....and rolls a

Now the caldans are pretty tolerant of barbarians, with the Kazi just next
door and not to far removed from it themselves, but needless to say, Kameri
do not have a good reputation in that part of Caldo right now.  And the
Kameri gained himself a free enemy. :}

I have a Caldan area detail map I was working on and shelved a while
back...I'll see about finishing it and sending it to Wout.
     -- Burton

Burton Choinski
Principle Software Engineer, Quality Engineering
email: burton.choinski at

phone: 978-322-2135
fax  : 978-452-5764

MatrixOne, Inc.
Two Executive Drive
Chelmsford, Ma 01824

The First in Intelligent Collaborative Commerce

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