website update

Scott Adams longshot at DARKTECH.ORG
Fri Jun 28 03:14:42 CEST 2002

At 08:07 AM 6/25/02 +0200, you wrote:
>On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 11:02:08PM -0400, Scott Adams wrote:
>> At 07:22 PM 6/24/02 +0200, you wrote:
>> >If you're not limited bandwidth-wise, it would be great if you sent me
>> >the scans. Then, I'll see if gocr works. I'm not sure when I'll get
>> >around to it exactly.
>> Which formats can your OS support?
>> I can scan into images and you try to OCRing it or typing by hand.  I would
>> OCR it but for some reason my OCRer hates the letter F :<
>> I can save to bmp, pcx, png, psd, Tiff, ?
>> I could probably do jpeg as well.

>I'm not sure what psd is, but the others are ok. Don't go with jpeg: It
>loses information (on purpose). png would be good, it has nice
>compression. Otherwise, you could go with tiff and commpress that with
>zip or gzip.

PSD is photoshop file format.  I guess that's Microsloft so no wonder you
didn't hear it if your not using that OS :)  
Ok.  I did some test scans.
Full page with Tiff is 1.7 megs uncompressed compressed 268k
With png its 258 k and doesn't compress but saving 4k so obviously
png is smaller and since you can accept that I can do it that way.

>> >I can probably fill in the blanks there.
>> Cool.  It wouldn't be too hard for me to type up.  I should have free
>> time late july.
>> But that''ll work.
>I'll soee how far I've gotten by late july.

Like I say email me and I can do the scans in a hour and then send them...
longshot at

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