Phoenix - spell variability

Albert Sales drite_mi at YAHOO.COM
Mon Oct 20 11:30:14 CEST 2003

   New Powers: The cost to learn a new spell with this to a level that it could be useful was UNBARABLY high. The reason I allowed it is because it would work closer to innate abilities, and he was willing to lose more than he gained to have the freedom. ( I wouldn't usually allow it.)
   The reason the numbers aren't working is because it is going from EL 1. ( (EL1 +3) x Casting cost 3)=12.

Alex Koponen <akoponen at MOSQUITONET.COM> wrote:
>The way it is supposed to work is that a caster can use a spell at his EL
>it or any EL lower than that. If he is EL5, he can cast at 5, 4, 3, 2,
Right. I used that as an unspoken basis from which to add even more
> I had a strange mod to this one before, at a player's request. We
figured that a >magic-user must learn each spell level, and as such can
cast each EL. With his >character, we allowed him to skip buying certain
ELs, but his character could not >cast them at that EL to save mana. Also,
EL was not a factor in his casting >speed. He wanted a character who had a
bit of innate ability (he rolled an >intellectual power), but did not have
a full magical understanding. It cost him the >usual 250 EP, and had the
benefits above (plus all wizardry spells were x2), and >the limits above.
It worked fairly well at first, but we found it nigh impossible for >him
to gain new powers in play. We made a small change (that did not work
>well) that allowed him to use the EP to learn the previous level (and
only that >one) towards advancing the spell, but losing access to the old
Hmmm. Weird mod. I doubt that I would have allowed it as each EL is the
basis for the higher ELs. What do you mean by new powers?

> ANYWAY, I actually do have a magic question:
> The cost to increase a spell uses the formula of Casting cost
x (EL+3). >What is the cost to increase a BMC 1 from 0 to 1. (The chart
and formula are a >little non-specific as to if you use the NEXT EL.)
We have always played with the Gaining New Spells table showing the cost
to get to EL0 and the Increased Expertise table showing the cost to attain
each EL. Thus 12 expertise to go from EL0 to EL1 in a BMC1 spell. We
didn't bother with the formula. Maybe its just because it is very late and
I am very sleepy, but I cannot seem to get the formula to generate the
numbers in the table. I will ponder it more in the morning.

Alex Koponen
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