Spells (was: god legends)

Alex Koponen akoponen at MOSQUITONET.COM
Thu Jan 29 20:07:01 CET 2004

On Thu, 29 Jan 2004 18:36:37 +0100, Alex Koponen <akoponen at MOSQUITONET.COM>
>Comments on the Healing Table in
>     HC
>StB 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85%
>-1   1   1   1   2   2   2   3   3   4   4   4   5   5   5   6   6
> 0   1   2   3   4   4   5   6   6   7   8   8   9  10  11  11  12
>+1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18
>+2   3   4   6   7   8  10  11  13  14  15  17  18  20  21  22  24
>+3   4   5   7   9  11  12  14  16  18  19  21  23  25  26  28  30
>+4   4   6   8  11  13  15  17  19  21  23  25  27  29  32  34  36
>+5   5   7  10  12  15  17  20  22  25  27  29  32  34  37  39  42
>+6   6   8  11  14  17  20  22  25  28  31  34  36  39  42  45  48
>+/-  0   1   1   1   2   2   2   3   3   3   4   4   4   5   5   6
>The numbers above represent the number of AHP healed up during a week. If
>attended by an apprentice healer (EL0-3), move one column to the right; if
>attended by a journeyman healer (EL4-7) move TWO columns to the right and
>one row down; if attended by a master healer (EL8+) move THREE columns to
>the right and TWO columns down.
>(I did not check the numbers in the table though they look good)
>Bandaging is 5% by itself so moves it one column to the right.
>Given the materials, anyone should be able to bandage (though Healers do it
>Applying Herbs (Cinquefoil) is 10% so moves it two columns to the right.
>Any Healer would use both if available.
>An Herbalist could apply herbs (beware experimental or unknown herbs).
>Other herbs might be more powerful or have other features.
>Note that the Infection Chance is 10%-StB per day minus CB per day,
>additive that the Character failed to heal.

Further comments:
  Due to the StB they provide, Healers should move the number of AHP healed
one row down at EL1-3; two rows down at EL4-6; three rows down at EL7-9;
four rows down at EL10-12; five rows down at EL13-16; etc.
  Healers add ELx2 to the character's HC. Total the Character's HC +
Bandage bonus (+5%) + Herb bonus (+10%) + Healer skill bonus (2xEL) to get
the total HC column to use.

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