[PnP] Kotothi spells?

Paul L. Ming pming at northwestel.net
Mon May 11 12:32:29 CEST 2009


  Here's one I've never really though about...but it's come up in my 
campaign now. I have a nasty goblin-like creature race. The are oriented 
to the Kotothi alignment. One of these guys the PC's will likely 
encounter is a priest (priests are NOT as they are in the regular P&P 
rules in my campaign; I'm running it in Greyhawk...so just think of them 
as "kinda like wizards, but religious with special granted powers"). 
Anyway, this priest needs spells.

  Chaos is close, but just seems a bit "pointless destruction" and a lot 
less "purposefully harmful". Elder is kinda close, but a bit too "happy 
nature", not quite enough "corrupted nature". Has anyone ever come up 
with a 'list' of spells that a kotothi-based wizard/creature might have? 
Any ideas?


Paul L. Ming

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