GM Administration Tools
o ease the administrative burden, we use some preformatted sheets during combat, to keep record of who does how may hits on what monster for what amount of experience. It helps giving the right amount of experience to the right character and may speed up combat.
Hit Point Record Sheet
Used to keep track of who does how many hits on which monster.
Design: Mathijs Tuynman
Character's Fighting Scores Sheet
Used to list the basic fighting scores of the characters. Improved sheet.
Design: Mathijs Tuynman

Combat Order Sheet
Used to list the combat order of the characters and their basic fighting scores.
Design: Mathijs Tuynman
Combat Priority Sheet
Used to list the combat order of the characters and their basic fighting scores. Improved sheet.
Design: Mathijs Tuynman

MS Excel Combat and Magic Tables
The Combat and Magic Tables and commonly used modifiers in two MS Excel sheets
Design: Lyman Hampton
Random Encounters Table
This postscript file can be edited to result in a printable table that has a list of day and night random encounters for a choosen terrain. It generates encounters for 180 consecutive days.
Design: Burton Choinski

Basic Hex Map
A basic 20x20 hex map. Can be used as a base for your own maps.
Design: Burton Choinski