Character Sheets
character sheet is supplied with the basic P&P set, but it is far from ideal. It seems that allmost everyone has his own ideas about a handy and nice looking character sheet. I designed several myself, before getting a design that satisfied me and was handy to use. Those and several other are available from this page for use or inspiration.
Fighter Character Sheet
A four page sheet, specially tailored for non-magic users. Page 1 lists characteristics, skills and combat. Page 3 and 4 are used for items and jewelry. Has lots of space for notes etc, page 2 for example is just empty space for notes.
Design: Wout Broere
Magic User Character Sheet
A six page sheet, specially tailored for magic users. Roughly the same as the fighter sheet above, but all magic related scores moved to a separate page. Page 1 lists characteristics, skills and combat. Page 3 and 4 are used for items and jewelry. Page 5 is used for magic related scores and spell list. Has lots of space for notes etc.
Design: Wout Broere

Excel Light Character Sheet
Character Sheet for Excel and Excel Light (Windows CE). Will help to quickly create new characters and keep all your scores up to date.
Design: Wout Broere
LaTeX Character Sheet
A three page sheet based on the magic user sheet by Wout Broere as LateX source and as resulting postscript.
Design: Matijs van Zuijlen

Excel Character Sheet
Character Sheets, Spell List and Expertise Form in MS Excel documents
Design: Frank Torres
Word Character Sheet
Character Sheet and Spell List in MS Word document, resembles the original sheets somewhat.
Design: Hallgrímur Geir Gylfason

Access Character Database
A database to keep the characters scores and their possesions. Allows for extended descriptions of possessions. MS Access 97 only.
Design: Marcel G. Chapa Liberty
Excel Character Sheet
An automated sheet with many items in formulae. Dropdowns for race and sex will modify native stats appropriately. “Auto-gen Native Abilities” button will generate native abilities and multiplier. If you generate a character with it, save as normal excel file when done to deactivate the dice rolling so you don’t accidentally overwrite your native stats. Skills from the second sheet spelled exactly the same (or copy/paste from the list) will have lines automatically calculated—hit the Fix Skill Formulae button after you enter all of your skills. Enter combat skills in all appropriate sections and just about everything is calculated for you. For me this makes character generation a breeze. Skill ExPts will highlight when you have enough to level up a skill. EL’s will highlight red if you put in an EL over the character’s maximum. CEPs and MEPs are entered by user, CEL and MEL are calculated for you. Casting ability must be updated manually at this time. Section to right side—“Temporary Mods”—is meant for entering anything that will affect a stat temporarily, and all appropriate formulae will be updated when changed.
Design: Bryan Tallant

Excel Character Sheet
An Excel based character sheet in french for P&P that can be printed on 5 pages.
Design: Thierry Tanghe
Excel Character Sheet
A multiple page word-file with a style that adheres closely to the original sheets that were included in the box.
Design: Scott M