"Dogs of War"

Maouse maouse at FULTON-NET.COM
Wed Oct 18 21:34:30 CEST 2000

This is one reason why the creature variation charts had to be somewhat
tempered.  Unless we are talking "son of the Flash", MR14 is a bit
-I thought a Agi of 20 gave a +1 MR bonus, so the MR would be 11, not 14
(it might be for creatures with no base move, but humans have a base move).

I took the view that NPC humans would be built like PC humans, only less
so.  The x2 limitation on key attributes makes the characters stand out
better, especially since there are so many more of them.
-In the character database for Office 97 I have an Character Class NPC
roller exactly per Book4.  So if you download a copy of it you can create
CC NPC's all day long.(I also have a creature roller made per the book, but
not a 2x creature modifier or anything).

>     I also came up with my own chart for non-character class militant male
> humans. I used 2d6+3 as the roll for Native Ability and 1 + (1d4*x0.5) as
> the multiplier [C and Ap got a multiplier of 1 + 1d3*].
-One of the nice features of the DB is that you can roll up 20 mages or non-
mages(CC) on the fly and print them off as a combat chart like they have in
the errata book and such.  Another nice thing is that it rolls a weapon for
them, so you no longer have to use a "sword" for all your NPC's (ok so I
added one thing compared to the book sue me).

> > Soldier IV
> > AHP 20       OCV 8        DCV 7        NWI -5
> > S 31 (+2)    St 23 (+1)   D 16 (+1)    A 19 (+1)
> > MR 10        NAV 0        MDV 4        NF Varies
> > EnL 34       CDF 2        CL NA
> > DTV -3       HC 23%(4:5)  INT 6
> Exceeds Variation Table.

-I like your ideas for non-CC characters, and will probably implement them
into my Office 2k version of the DB.  I am making a few other changes as
well (like correctly keeping track of skill points spent/earned, etc...).
I'll probably add the whole "chart" idea for "normals" and maybe even have
a 2x option.  I may branch out and do elves and dwarves as well (faerries
too maybe, you never know... it could be cool to have a 100 faerry army
statted wouldn't it! Imagine the spell options, lol... uuuuUG-LEEEEY!).


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