Alex Koponen
Fri Sep 8 07:19:34 CEST 2000
Hello All,
I was just creating a new character and I realized that one of the minor
things that bother me about P&P (and many other systems as well) is that in
order to keep the 'average' height statistically correct for the sexes the
short and sloppy route of making women with more strength/stamina than men
the same height was used. Instead, both sexes should have roughly the same
strength/stamina for a given height or weight (presuming in good shape).
This would in turn make the statistically correct fact that bigger IS
stronger and men, on average, are bigger and stronger than women.
Game terms. Both sexes should use Native Strength + Native Stamina +
(average of listed factors) = Height.
Maybe the same for weight.
Alex K.
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