Experience option

Scott Adams longshot at DARKTECH.ORG
Tue Sep 19 04:03:26 CEST 2000

At 09:25 PM 9/17/00 +0000, you wrote:
>>>> Cool.  I never played in Goidan per se did in Caldo and that was fun....
>>>> Sounds fun....how many players you'll have?
>Actually, this may be changing as we speak, see below...
>>> Will do.  I have to get all my old rules down off Wout's site. :)  I'm
>>> going through what stuff I have online, typing it up and cleaning it up.
>>> When I have some new stuff I'll submit it to Wout.
>> Cool and if you need typed up stuff to print out like creatures or what
>> just holler might
>> have it :)
>Well, I have some interesting monster ideas I may throw at them, and I'll
>post them to the list when I can.
>>> lame.  Obviously, quite a debt load can be racked up.
>> Coolness.  I've not done that for pnp but done something similar in other
>> systems.
>First person did his character tonight.  I was a bit loose on how many times
>they can re-roll, and I have to admit his character has the potential to be
>a real monster (But them he'll start attracting all the nasty attention then
>:) He ended up with 85 points of debt (i.e. 85 possible successes that could
>go down the dumper).
>Now, with the rolling he did he is fairly capable.  Has 3 specials of note
>-- innate power (Elemental Powers, he took Fire), Shadow Weaver, and
>Property holder.  Coming from Marentia (yea I know.  back to the old ruts
>:), hi has a station of 4.  His special granted him 5600 acres of land for
>his barony, giving him an income of 5600SC per year.
>Obviously, there is going to have to be a bit of a money sink in there
>someplace -- We figured that "take" comes from landed people with fealty to
>him, or general tarrifs and fees on his lands.  He probably won't get to
>keep it all -- he will have to pay for his manor upkeep, staff, etc, plus he
>must pay some chunk to Maros and the kingdom in taxes.
>So now I must come up with some gross macro econonic rules of thumb to work
>with.  I'll be researching this for the time being, but if anyone out there
>has stuff they have used in a similar situation, please, send it along to
>the list.
>Also, a favor for anyone with a culture book -- I have not been able to find
>mine yet, though I have the map book.  If anyone chould send a scan of the
>marentian pages to me, or at least the population information, that would
>bre great.  I'll put out another population addendum, like I did for Djani
>and some other cultures, and probbaly add more as my game progresses.  I
>don't know what I'll be doing map wise, bue we will see what happens (they
>take a lot of effort).
>I'm presently working on a "book of skills" which will have all of the
>original skills, plus Heros skills, my own and others, all converted to my
>2d10 "target-12" skill system.  When complete I'll probably send that along
>as postscript file (or PDF, if I can get my PDF writer to work ok).
>Scans to "burton.choinski at matrix-one.com" (work, I have a real LAN there,
>not dial up)
>       -- Burton

Quick note...I'll reply further but if you can wait till tomorrow night I'll
find the
scans of the culture book.  I scanned Marentia...well actually I have text
files of the 4 map squares (all the cultures) from Clima, North of that map,
Marentia and north of that map ...for the game..I'll find it and send it ...
right now gotta finish something...

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